BRUCE MCCLURE, General Manager CMPA comments on the recent visit by Chris Brooks from DPI to members sites.
ON Friday 19th April 2013 Chris Brooks Executive Director of the Earth Resources Development Branch Department of Primary Industries (DPI) visited two CMPA member sites.

and Chris Brooks who were at the Goulburn Valley Resources site
After being picked up from Melbourne by CMPA’s Bruce McClure, Chris was taken to the Gianarelli family quarry site Goulburn Valley Resources (GVR) located north of Seymour. Chris was greeted in a typical country family fashion to a great morning tea by the Gianarelli’s. Following discussions with Chris and a number of CMPA members who came to the site to speak to Chris, he was then taken on a tour of the quarry by Wally Gianarelli. The material produced by GVR is based on river washed products deposited along the banks of the Goulburn River. After processing by GVR, the sand and gravel products are sold to concrete manufacturers, local Shires and contractors for various infrastructure projects in the area.
One very pertinent point made to Chris by one of the CMPA members present was the fact that when this member first obtained a Work Authority to work a gravel deposit the application took three weeks. However the last Work Authority that this member obtained took him three years. Admittedly requirements and obligations have evolved and changed over the years but one of the basic problems that the industry is facing right now is the time it takes to currently obtain an actual Work Authority for an extractive industry site.
From GVR Chris Brooks was then taken to the Northern Quarries site in Epping. Again a number of CMPA members were present and over lunch the group discussed a number of issues with Chris. A representative from VicRoads involved with our industry was also present. These issues included subjects such as rehabilitation bonds, sterilisation of quarry products around the state, serious planning problems associated with future extractive industry sites when dealing with state and local government departments around Victoria, native vegetation and cultural heritage requirements.
A number of members made it clear to Chris that the current hurdles faced by many family businesses involved in this industry are making their business nearly non viable. The red tape and demands being placed on the industry are having major impacts on the industries sustainability

at the Northern Quarries Site in Epping
Following this meeting Chris was taken on a tour of the site by Northern Quarries Production Manager Pat Kerr.
The visit to the sites and the discussion between CMPA members and Chris Brooks were very fruitful and has given Chris a very good idea of where the industry at least from a CMPA perspective, sees the state of the industry in Victoria at present. Chris has indicated that he will hold more discussions with the CMPA members in the future and was very appreciative of the time taken by members to give him their thoughts on the industry at present.
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