DPI Update (Issue 59)
IAN MCLEOD, Manager Minerals and Extractive Operations, Melbourne District, reports on current projects.
Visitors to the DPI website now have instant access to around one hundred and eighty videos that live in the various sections and subsections of the site. Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, Energy and Earth Resources are listed in their respective categories, but can be found using a simple search function.
Earth resources videos can be found at:
The Melbourne District has received a number of requests to excise portions of land from work authorities recently. Requests are usually made when the owners of the land wish to develop some of the Work Authority land or adjacent land for construction purposes or land filling. DPI’s current policy requires that areas proposed to be excised are:
- *Rehabilitated in accordance with the approved work plan and meet Council’s requirements;
- Appropriately fenced to prevent unauthorised access to ongoing quarrying activities; and
- Provided with separate road access.
*Note: Any site (or part of a site) that is proposed to be land filled with waste materials must be rehabilitated to a safe and stable condition and be covered by an EPA Waste Discharge Licence.
The Earth Resources Regulation Branch recently held five information days throughout Victoria to provide the mining and extractive industries with new policy, regulatory developments and documents released during the past year.
The main legislative change that will impact on the extractive industry sector is the statutory endorsement of work plans which will be introduced on 1 February 2012. This new process was requested by extractive industry operators to streamline the approvals process.
The current process requires DPI to refer work plans to relevant agencies prior to endorsing them as having sufficient technical merit to support a planning permit application. Council planners are then required to conduct referrals, some of which have already been undertaken by DPI.
The statutory endorsement of the work plan will significantly improve the process by eliminating the duplication of referrals by Councils.
DPI’s six-monthly targeted auditing program is about to resume. A total of ten targeted audits (comprising pest animal, plant and hydrocarbon storage) are planned to be undertaken at extractive industry and mining sites in each of the five districts before the end of December this year.
Consequently, this is a timely reminder to operators to review the status of these matters before the audits are undertaken. In addition, with summer approaching it is recommended that operators ensure that dust suppression methods are checked and are functioning properly.
Information regarding dust suppression is available from:

John Mitas has been managing the Department’s response to the ground movement at Morwell which resulted in the temporary closure of the Princes Freeway. The freeway was reopened on 21 September 2011 following an extensive remedial road works program. John resumed his normal duties as General Manager Minerals and Extractive Operations on 30 October 2011 and will continue to manage the Department’s involvement with future remedial works at Morwell.
Sian Harris joined the Sustainable Development Unit in August to work in the Environment Management Group. Sian was previously employed by the New South Wales Office of Water at Newcastle.
Lionel Woodford will be commencing work as an Inspector of Mines in the Melbourne District on 5 December 2011. Lionel is currently a Biosecurity Officer with DPI at Ballarat.
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