Earth Resources Regulation: Industry Reference Group
DR ELIZABETH GIBSON, General Manager of CMPA provides a report on the latest Earth Resources Regulator (ERR) Industry Reference Group meeting.
The meeting held via MS Teams on 19 November 2024 was chaired by Amanda Wellesley, Director, Regulatory Strategy and Governance, ERR. Chris Webb, Executive Director Regulatory Operations was an apology. The following Agenda items were discussed:
Quarter 4 2023-24 Report
ERR has modified quarterly reporting to better reflect the needs of industry separating into two reports: extractives and minerals. Note the old format performance reporting ceased in Quarter 1 2023-24 with Quarter 2 and Quarter 3 not published. The new format Quarter 4 2023-24 Report was published in November 2024 au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/1071966/Extractive-Performance Report-2023-2024-Quarter-4.pdf
Quarter 1 2024-25 Report
• 6 new quarries were granted, 4 of which were code of practice and 2 were work plans
• 3.9 million tonnes of resources were unlocked from new quarries and administrative updates
• The state holds approximately $126 million in extractive bonds
• ERR Compliance team conducted 134 compliance activities
• Report is drafted and is currently undergoing internal review process, soon to be published
Annual Statistical Report 2023-24
This is s currently undergoing an internal review process. ERR anticipates the report to be released by the end of December 2024.

Pre-Submission Steps for Work Plan Application
ERR is exploring two new pre-submission steps for work plans and work plan variations:
- Initial scoping process – similar to the one introduced in South Australia
Benefits: ensure there is early understanding/agreement on the scope of work required to inform the decision on the application. This would also provide the applicant with early indication of project cost, which could inform decision to proceed or e-scope project to reduce up-front costs. - New pre-submission review – This is a voluntary opt-in process where RVAC undertakes completeness review prior to the applicant submitting a formal application in RRAM for assessment.
Benefits: reduce the need for required changes associated with deficient applications, address QA/QC issues (incorrect documents, missing documents, version control issues, etc) and lack of input from agencies.
Comments have been received from Industry Planning Consultants on the 2 step pre submission process:
Adding another two steps in the process (remove the endorsed work plan and add these two) is unlikely to speed up the process. A preliminary meeting with the assessment team, the ones who will actually be conducting the review, and have knowledge of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act and Extractive Industry Regulations and find out what is required. It is feared that there will be a call for the “gold plated” version of the work plan which would disadvantage the smaller operators.
ERR Draft Blasting Guideline
ERR is seeking feedback from Industry Associations on the draft Blasting Guideline that will require a Blast Impact Assessment in addition to the Blast Management Plan. Comments are required by 10 December 2024 and will be reported on in issue 138 of Sand & Stone.
Resources Management System VIC (RMSVIC)
There are no plans to continue RMSVIC in the future. This is disappointing due to the expenditure already taken place to date with the current RRAMS (Resource Rights and Management System) having been declared not fit-for purpose by the previous CEO to the Minister for Energy and Resources in 2023.
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