Education (Issue 28)
Crushing & Screening Reference Manuals Project Update
The Crushing & Screening Reference Manuals Project is now well underway with the first of the eight reference manuals, Conduct Crushing Operations having been presented to the Federal Minister for Small Business, the Honourable Fran Bailey, at the CMPA Annual Dinner held on August 12.
The Conduct Crushing Operations Reference Manual contains over 100 pages of pure crushing knowledge.
The development process of each of these manuals includes consultation with Quarry Managers and industry personnel to ensure that the content of the manuals is of the highest quality and of the utmost relevance to those who will be required to utilise them.
Consultation with industry included further refining the content, limiting the points made in the manuals and referring to our Members for their expertise in operations and basic checks.
The pilot Conduct Crushing Operations training course has been scheduled for October and the ball has started rolling for the development of the next of the manuals.
The next unit for development is the Conduct Screening Operations Reference Manual which is currently being developed by Box Hill Institute of TAFE.
CMPA Members will be contacted in the near future for their input into this
Members are asked for their assistance in the development of this manual,
with any photos of screening plant breakdowns being greatly appreciated.
For more information about the project or to offer your assistance please contact either Sarah Andrew at the Secretariat on 03 5781 0655 or Adrian Town, CMPA Development Manager on 0427 309 038.

Grant Phillips—CMPA Chairperson
Hon. Fran Bailey—Minister for Small Business & Tourism
Tim Bird—CMPA Education Chairperson
Bruce McClure—CMPA Policy & Special Issues Chairperson
WELL Funding Success
A bid for Workplace English Language and Literacy Program funding by the CMPA has been successful with agreement reached in late April for a Government contribution of more than $100,000.
The WELL funding and a small CMPA industry contribution will be used by the Association to assist construction material industry workers improve English language, literacy and numeracy skills.
The funding will provide assistance in the delivery of workplace based language, literacy and numeracy training programs and the development of resources to facilitate ongoing, cost effective workplace skills in these fields.
Managed by the Department of Education, Science and Training the program funding required the CMPA submitting a detailed training and budget proposal for the year to May 2007.
The funding was eagerly sought given the high number of unskilled workers in the industry combined with a ready take-up of CMPA courses, according to the CMPA Education Chairperson, Mr Tim Bird.
“It is a win-win for the industry, Government and the community,” Mr Bird said.
“Our industry directly benefits from any programs to improve employee competencies.”
“This training in particular will provide greater understanding and comprehension of issues such as OH&S and plant and equipment operation amongst many others.”
“These WELL style programs assist employees better comprehend other industry training and education initiatives that are offered.”
“A better grasp of English, literacy and numeracy can be the first step in an on-going learning and career development program for employees and the CMPA certainly welcomes that,” Mr Bird said.
Tom McKenny
Work Safely Training
The WELL funded CMPA Work Safely Training Course as delivered by Box Hill Institute of TAFE has 3 remaining courses for 2006 including:
- Benalla: Friday 22 September & Friday 6 October
- Melbourne: Friday 13 & Friday 27 October
- Traralgon: Friday 20 October & Friday 3 November
Please contact the CMPA for bookings.
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