CMPA was recently advised by Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) of their success in securing funding for the 2004/2005 Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Programme. The WELL Programme, assists workers to improve their English language, literacy and numeracy skills in order to help meet their employment and training needs.
The Programme provides assistance for the delivery of workplace-based language, literacy and numeracy training activities and the development of language, literacy and numeracy resources that will facilitate ongoing and cost-effective workplace language, literacy and numeracy training. The is the CMPA’s second successful application to the WELL program.
The CMPA looks forward to continuing the success that the program has seen over the last 12 months. Please stay tuned for updates in the upcoming editions of the CMPA News.
Certificate II in Extractive Industries
The CMPA has been working towards the development of reference materials and facilitating training courses for the units available in Certificate II for it’s Members and the industry as a whole.
It is as a facilitator that the CMPA has established partnerships with a wide selection of providers and will work in partnership with them to ensure a consistently high standard of training.
To achieve the Certificate II in Extractive Industries Operations, the successful completion of eight units of competency is required, consisting of the mandatory unit of Work Safely and seven elective units.
The CMPA is proud to be able to facilitate the following units which it can assure Members have involved the input of all sections of the industry during their development phases.

Service and Handover Pilot
The pilot unit will cover the scheduled servicing of an item of mobile plant and their operations and use on a work site as part of the roles of carrying out the testing, maintenance, servicing, delivery, demonstration and handover of the machine.
This unit does not cover the operation of the machine in production, stockpiling and loading of bulk materials. This course will be conducted by the specialist trainers of the CAT Institute, covering principles that can be applied to any brand of mobile equipment.
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