Hello to all CMPA members. My name is David Crosby and I am the OH&S manager at Quantec Solutions. I am making this addition to the CMPA newsletter to tell you how Quantec Solutions developed its Oxy Fuel Hazard and Risk Assessment management system with the help of the CMPA.
About 10 years ago, I was invited to a CMPA Quarry to train employees in the safe use and operation of oxy fuel equipment. At that time I worked for another company and the training I delivered was only for a certificate of attendance, rather than a certificate of attainment. Basically, all people had to do to pass the training was to turn up.
After the training had finished, the Quarry manager explained to me exactly what his organisation needed and how he wanted to comply with all the OH&S Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice and Australian Standards related to oxy fuel equipment. It was after this meeting that I realised that my scant training had not helped this gentleman achieve any of his goals. I felt embarrassed as I realised the inadequacies of the service I had just delivered.

After the meeting, I contacted two good friends of mine, Carl Hussell and Colin Membrey, who had just started a company called Quantec Solutions. Quantec is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), specialising in training for oxy fuel allied processes and Arc, Tig, Mig welding. I soon began working for Quantec and later returned to the Quarry Manager to explain how my new company not only trained in oxy fuel, but also carried out Oxy Fuel Hazard and Risk Assessments. This gentleman was kind enough to give me the opportunity to carry out an Oxy Fuel Hazard and Risk Assessment on his site. Once completed, we sat down again and went through the outcomes of the assessment. To my disappointment, I realised that the service I had just provided still failed to meet the needs of this gentleman’s organisation. This was four years ago.
In December 2003, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to carry out another Oxy Fuel Hazard and Risk Assessment for this gentleman. The difference between this assessment and the ones I had completed previously was that this time I assessed the competency standards of my trainees in a systematic and thorough manner. After many years and failed attempts at providing a service that this gentleman’s company could actually benefit from, I was happy to have finally given him a service of real worth.
With the help of this gentleman, over the years Quantec Solutions has developed a systematic Occupational Health and Safety Oxy Fuel Management System which meets all his company’s legal obligations.
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The CMPA, Quantec Solutions and Box Hill TAFE are now working together to give you the best possible training and information needed to implement an Oxy Fuel Management system.
CMPA members need to unite in their commitment to be the leader in the safe use and operation of oxy fuel equipment. The cost savings to each CMPA member are enormous. This journey will be a long one that requires the full commitment of all CMPA members. There can be no short cuts or easy routes.
From now on I will attach information to this newsletter which will assist you in meeting the legal requirements with oxy fuel equipment.
P.S. By now you are probably wondering what’s in this for Quantec Solutions? Well it would certainly be a little thank you to the gentleman whose faith in me throughout the years has helped Quantec Solutions become a leader in this field. I think most of all though, Quantec Solutions is excited to be in a position to be able to offer a program that sets the benchmark for systematic safety standards for oxy fuel throughout an association. This has never been achieved before and with the members’ full commitment, we can set the standards together.
If you are interested in assisting the CMPA’s vision with Oxy Fuel Safety and Allied Processes, please contact the CMPA or email David Crosby at:
fax at 03 9619 7832
mobile 0425 768094
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