Establishment of DEECA
Machinery of Government (MoG) implications for DELWP and the new Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).
A new Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
From 1 January 2023, a new Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) will be established. The new department includes the existing functions of the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) except for the Planning portfolio and those areas supporting it.
The current DELWP functional groupings that will be included in DEECA are:
• Energy
• Environment and Climate Change
• Water and Catchments
• Forest Fire and Regions (including the Conservation Regulator)
• First Peoples Self-Determination Division
• Solar Victoria
• Recycling Victoria
• State Electricity Commission Implementation Office
• Corporate Services
The new department will also include:
• Agriculture, and
• Forestry and Resources.
These two groups, and supporting corporate staff, will be transferring from the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR).
All energy programs and grants administered by DJPR will also move to DEECA.
DELWP teams supporting the Planning Minister – including planning, building and heritage teams, Land Use Victoria, the Victorian Planning Authority and the Victorian Building Authority – will be joining the new Department of Transport and Planning (DTP), with a small number of staff moving to DPC.
New Ministers
The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action will continue to be led by Secretary John Bradley and will support the following Ministers (see organisation chart).
A better alignment
The combination of functions in each new department presents new opportunities for integration and shared benefits for Victoria’s economic potential and environmental sustainability.
When you look at the portfolio areas falling under DEECA, you can see the natural synergies between them.
DEECA will play a critical role in managing our state’s natural assets, and we can achieve best results if the main areas responsible for this – Energy, Water, Climate Action, Environment, Agriculture and Resources – work together closely.
There is a natural alignment between the Energy, Water, Climate Action, Environment, Agriculture, Forestry and Resources portfolios – in research and science, in servicing our regional communities, in land management, in climate change, in emergency management, in managing a drying climate while ensuring regional economic development, and the list goes on.
DEECA will influence land management and partner with Traditional Owners on Country in Self- Determination and make the most of Victoria’s natural assets while taking strong action to protect them against the impacts of climate change.

This alignment also drives a greater focus on emissions reduction opportunities and adaptation and consolidates oversight of Victoria’s resource-based sectors. This will better position Victoria to meet the government’s newly committed 2030 and 2035 and net zero by 2045 emissions reduction targets.
DEECA has a major economic contribution to make – across water, energy, the circular economy, clean tech systems and of course food and fibre industries. Victoria is also our country’s largest producer of food. Sustainability in a drying climate is a shared challenge, and a biodiverse landscape that is resilient to its impacts is essential for the continued success of our food production industry.
DEECA has a significant role to play in emergency response across bushfire, wildlife, floods, energy, waste and biosecurity. The integration of these portfolios under a single department puts us in the best position to anticipate and coordinate risk management for the Victorian community.
The Government’s priority on climate action and a renewable clean-energy future will rely on DEECA’s responsibilities. Examples include supporting circular economy initiatives of water corporations and fostering the benefits of renewables in agricultural industries to reduce energy costs and emissions.
While the new department’s name reflects the Government’s priority policy on climate action and a renewal clean-energy future, there is a natural alignment between the Energy, Water, Climate Action, Environment and Agriculture and Resources portfolios.
While no department name can list all portfolios, each part of DEECA makes a critical contribution to achieving the Government’s commitment to the Victorian community.
DEECA also has a significant role to play in emergency response across bushfire, wildlife, floods, energy, waste and biosecurity. The integration of these portfolios under a single department puts us in the best position to anticipate and coordinate risk management for the Victorian community.
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