Explosives Signage
The following information is an expansion of the guidance provided in the Work Safely Reference Manual on signage requirements for the transport of explosives used in the extractive industry.
There are a number of items of legislation relating to the manufacturing, storage, transport and use of explosives which include:
- Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2000
- Dangerous Goods (High Consequence Dangerous Goods) Regulations 2005
- Australian Standards 2187.0, 2187.1, 2187.2
- Australian Explosives Code
Carrying Explosives
Detonators (except for Classification Code 1.4B and 1.4S) may only be transported on the same vehicle as other explosives when the quantity does not exceed the upper Category 2 limit (see table below). In addition, detonators must be stored in the passenger compartment whilst other explosives are located outside the compartment or separated by at least 2 metres.

Detonators of Classification Code 1.4B or 1.4S may be carried with other explosives on the same vehicle provided they are in a separate carry box or compartment. The compartment must include a solid wall demonstrated to prevent sympathetic detonation of the explosives.
In both instances, they must be stored in a receptacle with the words ‘Explosives Detonators’ displayed on the lid of the box.
If the receptacle is designated to carry only explosives, the signage required would be the word ‘Explosives’ displayed in large red lettering

Australian Explosives Code Review
The Australian Explosives Code has been redrafted and released for discussion. The CMPA will be making a submission in the coming months.
For further information see the Australian Explosives Code available from Canprint at www.canprint.com.au or on 02 6295 4422 at a price of $89.95 in hard copy and CD ROM versions.
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