It’s not always what it seems
Over the last 12 months, the CMPA has provided submissions and participated in reviews of Acts, Regulations, PEMs, codes, guidelines, awards and training packages all of which have and will impact upon the viability of our Members’ businesses. RON KERR the CMPA’s Honorary CEO.
OF the reviews, there is a select group that have been presented to the industry as necessary consolidations and amalgamations, namely the EIDA review and the consolidation of the industry training package.
At first glance, and for the uninitiated to the review process, consolidation and amalgamation often conjure up promises of improved access, simplification, reduction or removal of red tape, expedited processes or improved time and cost outcomes.
However, the reality is that the promises can be little more than a Trojan horse, and often result in agreement being given without due-diligence being undertaken and full understanding of the implications of the changes. The trinkets offered generally shine more brightly on first glance.
Before agreeing to provide a submission to any review the issue is presented to the Management Committee for approval. Any proposed change to our Members’ obligations and conditions of managing their businesses must prove need and be supported through credible evidence which will stand the test of time and the fullest of scrutiny.

Where the impact is identified as impractical, restricts entry, creates new obligations for exposing Members in the future or adds unaccountable cost, the Association’s support will not be provided.
Turning to the two examples in more detail, the EIDA’s amalgamation with the MRSDA will not remove red tape for our Members, and will not bring about lower operating costs, but will add additional regulatory obligations and financial imposts. It will also draw our industry into a further review process of the MRSDA slated for 12 months, which could further erode our position and add further obligations.
The consolidation of the industry training package will not ensure participants participation, removes flexibility from the employer from developing a vocational training package for his or her employees by expanding mandatory unit requirements from one to nine, and will further increase the cost of bringing an employee to the completion of Certificate II and III with more units being required.
The need to complete up to 22 units if both Certificate II and III are undertaken may also bring with it future obligations when an employer is left to explain why a particular operator was not qualified at a significant incident investigation.
In closing, we must consistently refer to the initial creation of the CMPA, which radiates around the interests of our Members, and the development and strengthening of their businesses. Our assessment is that these proposals add little benefit.
The Quarry Industry Award – Victoria is updated every October in line with most other transitional awards. The most recent update occurred on 1 October 2008.
The Australian Fair Pay Commission reviews all transitional awards each year with a decision being made in July with an October introduction. In conducting the 2008 Minimum Wage Review, the Commission considered the views it received within the context of its objective: to promote the economic prosperity of the people of Australia and how this objective could be advanced.
In its July 2008 general Wage-Setting Decision, the Commission has increased the standard Federal Minimum Wage (FMW) and all Australian Pay and Classification Scales (Pay Scales) by $21.66 per week.
This resulted in the wage rate being revised, however no allowances have changed. The new hourly rates are as follows:
• Grade IA $14.31/hr
• Grade I $14.75
• Grade II $15.64
• Grade III $16.27
• Grade IV $16.78
• Grade V $17.32
For further information on this matter, contact the Workplace Authority hotline on 1300 363 264 or to download the most recent consolidated transitional award see
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