A reflection on ten successful years and the way forward with the CMPA, reported by DAVID BATSON (pictured to the right) the CMPA’s Associate Chairperson.
A Network That Works
THE CMPA and its Members, including Associates have enjoyed 10 years of growth as reflected in Tim Bird’s previous notes in the April/May edition of Sand and Stone.
As we review the previous year’s activity and ponder what direction the CMPA will take and what forms of value will the Association deliver to it’s Members its important to note that many Associates have continued to enjoy repetitive business.
These relationships between Members and Associates are captured in one of the core objectives of the CMPA.
We gather in Ballarat on August 22nd to enjoy the opportunity to network and expand on solid supplier/buyer relationships through the AGM and Annual Dinner.
Like many Associations it requires additional effort to obtain a return, whether that is an industry group, a social or sporting club the effort we put in is often not realised immediately, but when return does come, and it will, it is far more rewarding!
As we look forward in what can only be described as a quite uncertain future for the economy in general, the knowledge gained, relationships formed and objectives established jointly at the CMPA will hold many Associates in a key position to provide valued recommendations and assist in developing strategies within their own organisations for the year ahead.
One of the key roles of any marketing and sales professional is to gain as much market knowledge and continue to develop personally. The CMPA provides this vehicle and we encourage any energetic individuals to embrace the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the vocational training available, various workshops, and regulatory issues facing our Members.
Once the lines of communication are opened in regard to some of the issues our Members face, the Associate will experience another level of understanding which will only enhance their relationship and provide more clarity to the opportunities’ that exist within the Member groups goods and service needs.
As we look forward to 2010 and beyond many commentators are asking “are we at the bottom yet?” We can’t be sure; there are some signs and financial commentators are suggesting it is possible, what we do know is that life will go on, economies will recover, maybe not to the levels previously seen but certainly as Victoria continues to invest in infrastructure, population grows, so too will the CMPA, its Members and Associates well into the next decade.
Extractive industry is heading into a brave new world with the recent and proposed changes to the legislation.
As of 1 July 2009, the DPI announced that sites less than 1 ha and less than 2m deep are exempt from the extractives legislation. This affects something like 7 operating Work Authorities. In addition, sites less than 5 ha and less than 5m deep where blasting or native vegetation clearance is not required, will be given the option of complying with the new Code of Practice.
The majority of the 120 operating sites will still have native vegetation issues, so is this really reducing regulatory burden?
The DPI is also conducting a review of the mining legislation for implementation sometime in 2010. The CMPA is actively lobbying Government to ensure that Member’s concerns are heard.
A golden age has concluded in recent days for our industry with the peaceful passing of David Barro on the 24th June 2009.
All associated with the CMPA sincerely pass on their condolences to the Barro family.
Sand & Stone will profile the contribution that this great man made to the construction material industry in an upcoming edition.
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