From the Secretariat
New CMPA logo
GAVIN MOREIRA, Member Services Manager of the CMPA.
The CMPA Annual Dinner at the MCG with a record attendance of Members and guests was a perfect time to launch the new CMPA logo.
After 23 years the old logo which has served the Association well, was showing its age and is no longer on trend.
The original design was selected from a number of excellent designs from the membership group at the time (Story in Issue 3, December 2000 of CMPA News). The winning design was submitted by Matthew Boyd, a first year Graphic Art student at Geelong’s Gordon Institute of TAFE and son of Phil Boyd of Coragulac Quarries. Matthew offered that he had gained valuable experience entering the competition and was honoured to have his design selected.
Concepts of the new logo were designed by SWIM Communications with reviews done by both the Management and Associate committees and the Secretariat. Matthew Boyd was also given the opportunity to review the new concept and provided valuable feedback. He was very thankful to be considered.
According to SWIM Communications “the new logo is a simple and modern take representing a quarry and using the existing circular shape of the ‘C’ to marry the two elements.”
The bold font and graphic elements work quite well together and strongly represent CMPA’s core principles and values. It’s a good clean font that represents trust and strength and I think would be best suited for the association Matthew Boyd said.
The new logo is the first element of re-branding for the CMPA with an updated Sand & Stone magazine and website to follow.

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