From the Secretariat (Issue 119)
DR Elizabeth Gibson, General Manager of the CMPA
I would like to thank the previous Minister for Resources the Hon. Jaclyn Symes for time made available to CMPA. The Minister’s presentation was much appreciated at CMPA’s Annual Dinner in Marysville (2019), for face-to-face meetings and virtual ones too. The journey (somewhat arduous!) to replenishment of supply of construction materials has been a long one and will hopefully be fruitful in the not-too-distant future. Thanks also to the Minister’s Adviser for Resources Sedar Altun.
Welcome to the new Minister for Resources the Hon. Jaala Pulford as of 23 August 2021. In addition to Resources, the Minister is also responsible for Employment, Innovation and Small businesses and previously held the Roads portfolio. The Minister and her Chief of Staff Jarrod Dobson met (MS Teams) with Jason Comben, Ron Kerr and myself on 2 September 2021. A history of CMPA was given and then the following issues were discussed:
- Rehabilitation bonds:
- Increases are around 4000% for some quarry owners for small sites.
- Those that have submitted a work plan variation are being asked to reassess the rehabilitation prior to having the work plan approved.
- Rehabilitation by Government on private land is unlikely with virtually none being conducted over the past 20 years whilst for mines the figure is in the millions.
- CMPA Rehabilitation project.
- Lower and different risk profile of the extractive industry.
- VAGO rehabilitating mines audit report.
- A chart of the increase in rehabilitation bonds against the decline in Work Authorities was shown.
- Additional tonnages of construction materials per annum approved through greenfield sites and work plan variations should be published.
- A chart of the number of approved work authorities against financial year was shown.
- MRSDA reform:
- Removal of the endorsed work plan and applying for the planning permit first will not result in timely approvals due to Councils being opposed to quarries in general.
- Certification of the quarry manager may result in less risk adverse decision making in ERR.
- Separate Act for the extractive industry.
A site visit will be arranged with the Minister in her electorate Western Victoria (Ballarat) together with the Minister’s new Resources Adviser Rachel Wilton, hopefully this year. The CMPA looks forward to working with the new Minister for Resources.

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