General Items (Issue 3)

By on July 2, 2000


We trust you noticed our new ‘logo’ as the colour heading for ‘CMPA’ News, which was selected from a number of excellent designs.  Matthew Boyd submitted this design. He is a first year Graphic Art student at Geelong’s Gordon Institute of TAFE, and the son of Phil Boyd of Coragulac Quarries. 

Mathew offered that he had gained valuable experience entering our competition, was honoured to have his design selected, thanked members for their selection and the prize money, which he will put toward next years education. 

For the future Matthew intends to concentrate on product or industrial design, and hopes one day to be involved in design of his own car or motorbike. Congratulations Matthew and best wishes in your future ventures.

Test your skill by answering this ” Teaser”

Recognition of these acronyms will assist in your understanding of upcoming issues so what is their significance to you today?

1/         MSDS
2/         SEPP
3/         NEIP
4/         HELP?

[Check your response at the bottom!]


It was agreed at the October General Meeting that in his capacity as our patron, Professor Ross Williams would be asked to review the minutes of all future general meetings.

Infrastructure Levy for the Hopetoun West Gypsum Route

The Yarriambiack Shire Council approached Gypsum Pit Owners along the Hopetoun West Road proposing to apply a set levy per tonne of Gypsum extracted over the next six years. The levy is claimed to cover a short fall in construction and maintenance costs.

Is this a serious suggestion for future road funding and can we expect to see a ‘Lilydale Lime Route’ or perhaps a ‘Kilmore Basalt Route’ in the future?

Native Title Claim

Some members will have been contacted with regard to the Native Title Claim over their Work Authorities.

Please advise if you have been contacted and consider whether this issue should be handled individually or through the CMPA.

Trading Guide

We have pleasure in enclosing our second issue of the CMPA ‘Trading Guide’. The guide will enable Associate Member ‘suppliers’ to promote their products and services, and provide Members the opportunity to advertise or to purchase equipment as it becomes available.  Advertisements will initially be published in two issues so take advantage of this opportunity and assist the ‘Trading Guide’ to deliver membership benefits.

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor

We are a family company who supply sand in the Gippsland and surrounding areas. Approximately 15 months ago our Rehabilitation Bond was reviewed by the Natural Resource and Environment and an increase of 300% was required.

This increase was a concern to the family and the on going viability of the business.

During this time we joined the CMPA and through the attendance of their meetings we found that many other similar business where in the same position. With the assistance and support of the CMPA and other owners we where able to put forward a proposal which has seen the Rehabilitation Bond renegotiated to an expected increase of ONLY 20%.

At this time we would like to thank the CMPA and all its members for their assistance and support.

We encourage other small business to participate by joining the CPMA and benefit as our business has.

Yours sincerely,
Ross Symons

CMPA Datasheet

Attached to all Voting Members and Potential Member’s newsletters is a personalised Datasheet. Ensure that details are correct and return to the CMPA.

Annual General Meeting

In May or June 2001 the Second Annual General Meeting will be held and members should consider whether a Dinner would be appropriate, and if either wives or husbands as applicable should be invited to attend. A decision in this regard could be reached at the February general meeting.

In closing:

Well that’s all except to thank my roving reporter and all who contributed in the preparation of this issue. Hope you enjoyed reading the CMPA News and we will be pleased to receive any comments or constructive criticism to improve the content for the next issue due in April 2001.Thank you and regards

Mike McCann   Editor CMPA News (03) 98645470

Teaser answer:       
Material Safety Data Sheet
State Environment Protection Policy
Neighbourhood Environment Improvement Plan
Refer Dictionary!!!!!!!

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