General News (Issue 7)
Welcome to the July 2002 issue of CMPA News.
Our seventh issue coincides with two important annual events – the CMPA Annual General Meeting, and membership renewal time!
We’ve included in this issue some of our achievements. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished so far, but the future depends on two equally important factors:
- The drive and commitment of our committee; and
- The vigilance and support of our members.
The Associates Committee has covered some important ground since it was formed, and following the finalisation of its structure, there are several vacancies.
If you feel you can contribute, or know someone else who could, please give thought to becoming involved.
Still on the theme of committee membership, our nominations for the Quarry Managers Advisory Panel have been accepted. Through representation on panels such as this, and the Extractive & Mining Industry Advisory Board we are well placed to raise the concerns of our members in regulatory and industry arenas.
So, welcome to the seventh issue of CMPA News, and if you have any articles or news to contribute in future issues, please contact the CMPA Secretariat.
Brain Teaser
Courtesy of Mr. Robert Parker
There is a man standing with a photograph in his hand. The photo depicts a male. The man holding the photo says to someone:
“Sisters and Brothers I have none, but that mans Father is my Fathers Son.”
What relation is the speaker to the man in the photo?
Answer at the bottom of the page.
CMPA presents to the Institute of Quarrying
CMPA President Mr Ron Kerr presented recently to the Institute of Quarrying. The following is a letter to the editor regarding his presentation.
A highlight of the Ballarat conference was the paper presented by Ron Kerr Chairman of the CMPA. Ron outlined how the CMPA came about and what it plans to achieve for its members through its clear and concise statement of purpose.
The association has been addressing issues including:
- Regulatory and Guideline reviews
- Rehabilitation Bonds
- The Box Ironbark report
- Lease Agreements
- Education and Training
An enormous amount of work seems to have been put into education and training with the introduction of the “work safely” reference manual. The hard work appears to have paid off with the association securing funding of $88,694 for the work safely module of the Extractive Industries training package and CMPA industry induction card.
It is refreshing to see an industry association working so actively to resolve issues affecting its members.
Keep up the good work CMPA
By (Potential) Roving Reporter, Andrew Mantle
Letter to the editor
Dear Mr John Mitas,
This is a follow up to … the Work Safely training sessions present by the CMPA, in association with Box Hill Institute of TAFE, and conducted at DNRE offices in Bendigo on the 22nd March and 26th April 2002.
As the Western Region Co-ordinator representing the Management Committee of the CMPA, I again thank you for your generosity in providing the Bendigo facility at no cost, and also for donating an outstanding lunch together with morning and afternoon tea, for the 17 participants and 3 presenters on both occasions.-
A brief personal view of the program might be in order as I attended in a representative capacity and also as a participant employer, with one employee present. The Work Safely Manual is well targeted and specific to quarry operations in a manner that is spelt out in an acceptable form for industry employees. However there is a real need for this type of training for the manual to be used to best advantage. My employee, a plant operator of 6 years standing, and limited education, believes he has achieved something useful and tells me that he now believes he can contribute more in safe work practices. With that type of thinking an employers task of trying to set up and maintain a safe system of work procedures is surely enhanced.
As this was the 1st of a series of pilot programs, I am pleased to confirm the commitment of the 17 participants, all of whom have passed (announced at the finish), and I would make special mention of the presenters who kept the full attention of everyone over the 2 days, and contributed so much to what I would regard as a successful outcome.
Once again, thanks John, on behalf of the CMPA.
Yours sincerely
Peter Langlands
Brain Teaser Answer: Himself
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