Have you Checked your Air Receiver Recently?
WORKSAFE has produced a new handbook, ‘Working Safely with Air Receivers’, to improve awareness of risks associated with air receivers and explain ways to reduce and eliminate those risks.
Air receivers have the potential to cause serious damage to people and property.
These pictures illustrate that damage. They are the result of two separate explosions that occurred in Victoria. Luckily no-one was working in the vicinity when they took place.

All employers with air receivers on their sites, have a responsibility to ensure they are properly maintained to reduce the risk of explosion or fire.
There are a number of steps you can take to reduce these risks in your workplace.
WorkSafe has produced a new handbook, Working Safely with Air Receivers, aimed at improving awareness of risks associated with air receivers – and explaining ways to reduce and eliminate those risks.
If you have an air receiver, it is strongly suggested that you download a copy of the handbook from the WorkSafe website or order a copy from the WorkSafe Advisory Service.
Use this handbook to assess the safety of your air receivers – and, if necessary, make changes to ensure they are installed and maintained in a safe manner.
For more information visit the WorkSafe website www.worksafe.vic.gov.au or phone the WorkSafe Advisory Service on 1800 136 089
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