Incident Reporting

By on December 15, 2024

GAVIN MOREIRA, Member Services Manager of the CMPA, provides a timely reminder about incident reporting.

The CMPA is currently in the middle of conducting four Worksafely refresher workshops around the state for members, which included presentations from WorkSafe Victoria. A great time to remind everyone of the importance of incident reporting.

Quarries Incident Data Summary(30/5/24 to 31/10/24) from WorkSafe Victoria, following the ERTS Forum on 27.11.24.

• 23 incidents between 30/05/24 and 31/10/24.
• 0 Catastrophic potential incidents
• 2 Major potential incidents involving:
• Fall of ground and mobile equipment.
• 5 Serious potential incidents involving:
Mobile plant, manual handling, entanglement and structural failure.
• 4 Medium potential consisting of incidents involving:
• Mobile plant, plant fires.
• 12 Minor potential consisting of incidents involving:
• Plant rollovers (4), explosives, ground stability and plant fires.

Information below is found on the WorkSafe Victoria website:

You must report incidents resulting in:

• A death of a person
• A person needing medial treatment within 48 hours of being exposed to a substance
• A person needing immediate treatment as an in-patient in a hospital
• A person needing immediate medical treatment for one if the following injuries: Amputation, serious head injury or serious eye injury, removal of skin (example: de-gloving, scalping), electric shock, spinal injury, loss of bodily function, serious lacerations (example: requiring stitching or other medical treatment).

Medical treatment means treatment by a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law to practice in the medical or nursing or midwifery profession (doctor, nurse, midwife etc.).

You must report incidents resulting in:

You must also report the following incidents if they expose a person to a serious risk to their health or safety emanating from an immediate or imminent exposure to:
• An uncontrolled escape, spillage or leakage of any substance, including dangerous goods within the meaning of Dangerous Goods Act 1985, or
• An implosion, explosion or fire, or
• Electric shock, or
• The fall or release from a height of any plan, substance or thing, or
• The collapse, overturn, failure or malfunction of, or damage to, any plant, including plan tin relation to a mine, that is prescribed by the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (OHS Regulations), or the design of which must be registered in accordance with the OHS Regulations, or
• The collapse or partial collapse of a building or structure, or
• The collapse or failure of an excavation or mine or of any shoring supporting an excavation or mine, or
• The inrush or water, mud or gas in workings in a mine, underground excavation or tunnel, or
• The interruption of the main system of ventilation in a mine, underground excavation or tunnel

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