Issue 2

Warrigal Meeting Issues
Associate Membership
A meeting was held at the Warrigal premises of Quality Site Welding on 11th July 2000 with many interested members in attendance. This meeting was called to discuss how to introduce supplier’s as Associate Members, to review the many benefits membership will deliver, to expand on how our association will function, and to agree on a formula designed to deliver an individual yet confidential annual membership fee for each supplier. As a result of this meeting a draft general information booklet for Associate Members has been developed, which has already been issued to some suppliers and will be presented to members at meeting 6.
This meeting was the CMPA’s first away from the metropolitan area, offering consideration for the local members with the opportunity for contribution on particular issues.
Our thanks to David Coade for his informative tour of Quality Site Welding’s workshop, for the hospitality and use of his facilities. Also compliments to the regional co ordinator and the local membership for their efforts to ensure the success of this meeting, building the strength of our association.
Box – Ironbark Report.
A CMPA representation was led by Bruce McClure to a recent Bendigo meeting where some 200 people gathered to discuss the Environment Conservation Council’s draft paper entitled ‘Box Ironbark Forests and Woodlands Investigation’. This ECC paper proposes zoning a further 50,000 hectares of land as ‘restricted access’ crown land, which prior experience has shown will make access for mining exploration and quarrying more difficult.
The CMPA have written to the ECC requesting that any future extraction be subjected to the procedural requirements before being granted a Work Authority. In the event that the quality of a reserve is in question that industry be consulted prior to its loss. That all stone reserves be identified and held in perpetuity.
Ballarat Meeting Issues
Trust / Members fees
A second country meeting was held at Ballarat where considerable discussion took place on the access to and development of the ‘Debenture Trust’, which in future will be known as the ‘Special Issues Policy Research and Development Fund‘. The role and responsibilities of the funds three trustees were identified. As a result of this meeting a draft information booklet on the fund has been developed and will be presented to members at meeting 6.
The second issue discussed was the consolidation of voting members data sheet and annual fees for compilation into a draft general information booklet for voting members, which will also be presented to members at meeting 6.
On behalf of those attending this meeting we would like to thank Raymond Walsh of Walsh Ballarat Quarries for his organisation and hospitality.
EPA Draft Air Quality Improvement Plan
On the 8th September 2000 a meeting was held between various CMPA members and industry as well as technical experts Dr Richard Straus from Boral and Peter Day, to discuss and gain further insight into how the CMPA may best respond to the Victorian EPA’s [Environment Protection Authority] draft air quality improvement plan. The CMPA response should be completed for submission by mid October 2000.
We anticipate some difficulty in formulating our response as the objective, the methodology and the correlation of information is perceived by the CMPA as highly theoretical, and for these reasons is commercially difficult to justify. It is likely we shall seek a meeting with the EPA to clarify factors needing clarification prior to submitting our response. This issue will be discussed in some detail at our meeting on 6th October 2000
Test your skill by answering this ” Teaser”
When a parallel shaft is supported by two bearings why is one fixed and one floating?
[Check your response at the bottom!]
Rehabilitation Bonds Issue
The CMPA has advised the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Minister Hon. Candy Broad, through its issue paper at the EMAIB [Extractive Mining Industry Advisory Board] of its intention to activate a sub committee to prepare a report on the removal of the present system controlling rehabilitation. A full report on this vital issue will be presented at meeting 6.
Comments from Ron Kerr our Management Committee Chairman.
Maybe we are capable!
During the past few months I have been pleased to note a gradual increase in the self-esteem exhibited in our industries Directors. This observation was exemplified during events leading up to and following a meeting between the DNRE [Department of Natural Resources and Environment] and the CMPA over the Rehabilitation Bond’s Issue.
Whenever possible the Management Committee consider it desirable to provide members with an opportunity for personal growth through representing the association.
We canvassed a central Victorian member to assist with the important Bonds issue. Whilst honoured to be invited this member asked ‘Do you really think that I would be the best man for this job? What should I wear?’
Needless to say a trim figure exquisitely dressed arrived early at our rendezvous point for the journey to Victoria Parade.
At the completion of this challenging meeting as we stood beside his company vehicle complete with $45.00 parking fine, he commented that the meeting was the most satisfying and rewarding experience that he had ever been involved with.
The moral of this story is that we need to recognise our worth. We should never be apologetic about who we are, and the community must appreciate and acknowledge ‘just a little’ of what we do.
Oh and by the way those at this meeting could only have had the greatest admiration for input of this exquisitely dressed gentleman’.
Member comments:
As a member of the Finance sub-committee Stephen Richards of Swifts Creek was recently allocated the task to contact selected supplier companies and seek their interest to join the CMPA as Associate Members. This involved collecting and recording specific information from suppliers. Stephen found the experience to be rewarding, and noted that comments received from a broad cross-section of those interviewed were extremely positive. In fact Stephen concluded that the CMPA is perceived to be providing a worthwhile and long overdue service to our members
In conclusion Stephen commented that he had contacted either state service managers or in many instances company directors, and found the experience to be enjoyable and not nearly as difficult as he had initially anticipated.
Please note the postal address for the CMPA is P O Box 69 Beveridge 3753. Alternatively you can either phone on 03 9745 2208 or fax on 03 9745 2464.
Well that’s all for this issue. Hope you enjoyed reading the news and we will be pleased to receive any comments or constructive criticism to improve the content for the next issue due in December 2000.Thank you and regards
Mike McCann Editor CMPA News [03] 98645470
Answer: To compensate for expansion and contraction due to changes in temperature
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