Legislative Update (Issue 26)
Extractive Industry Acts & Regulations Update
The CMPA produces an Acts & Regulations Pack for its Members. The packs comprises of a comprehensive collection of Acts and Regulations which are required by law to be held on extractive industries sites.
The collection of legislation changes from time to time, and includes legislation from both a State and Federal level.
For those who have purchased an Acts & Regulations Pack from the CMPA in the past, it may now be time to consider updating your CD ROM component.
Legislation is constantly changing, and as such many of the Acts and Regulations have been updated since the last version of the Acts & Regulations Pack was compiled.
Following are the list of Acts and Regulations supplied in the pack, either in hard copy or on CD ROM, which have been updated since the compilation of the pack.
If you would like to update your Acts & Regulations Pack with the latest versions of this legislation please contact the CMPA for the CD ROM files which are provided free of charge.
The full Acts & Regulations Pack is available for purchase from the CMPA at a cost of $225 for CMPA Members. Members are also welcome to order any Australian Standards they may require through the CMPA as well.

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