By on July 2, 2002

PSV (Polished Stone Value)

Ongoing correspondence over the last 18 months between Vic Roads, Spray Line and the CMPA has occurred and whilst the CMPA is not necessarily satisfied that the matter is resolved, it must be noted that once the issue was raised the PSV quickly shifted from 52 back to 48.

This initial shift from 48 to 52 had the affect of devaluing a member’s quarry over-night as the primary income had to that point in time come from sealing aggregates.

At the last Management Committee Meeting, it was indicated that closure of this issue would occur in the very near future through a letter being sent to the appropriate parties in Vic Roads prior to public release.

It is proposed a précis report be finalised, giving Vic Roads the right of reply, and presented at the next Management Committee meeting.

Rise and Fall

While this was addressed following correspondence with Vic Roads, we still advise members to check their tender documents before signing to ensure that rise and fall due to them is paid by their principal.


The CMPA sees the development of a benchmarking protocol as a means of establishing whether there was consistency within their businesses and a method of monitoring increasing compliance costs upon them.

For this to occur, a meeting was held at Melbourne University with our Patron, FRMC, University of New England representative and interested CMPA members.

It was seen as an appropriate first step to develop a Generic Chart of Accounts of our industry.

This work is still in progress.

We believe there is:

  • Lack of consistency within industry
  • Will highlight impact of increasing compliance costs for industry.

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