Members Day in Frankston
Worksafely Training, Site Visit to Burdett Sands and General Meeting
CMPA Secretariat reports on the successful day recently held in the south of Melbourne for CMPA members.
The Members day was held on 20 March, 2014, commencing at Best Western Frankston International with a sandwich lunch and a chance to network with fellow members who had travelled from as far away as Albury, Mansfield, Epping and Trafalgar and other places to attend the day.
This Work Safely Refresher training course was fully booked and was delivered by David McKelvie of DMcK Management Pty Ltd, a proud sponsor of the course.

David first started with a pre-assessment to see what everyone already knew and then covered the following areas:
- OHS Duties of Employees and Employers
- Signage and Guarding Requirements
- Isolation of Fixed Plant and Mobile Equipment
- Dust Management
- Noise Management
Expectations were met with participants gaining a further understanding of the issues.
“Very well presented and structured course.”
“Great safety overview. I always expect to learn something new at a presentation and I wasn’t disappointed.”
“A good reminder about what I have already learnt in past safety courses.”
The next event of the day was to get aboard a bus to travel to Burdett Sands Quarry in Langwarrin about 15 minutes east of Frankston. More members joined the Work Safely group on the bus for the site tour.
We were met at the gate by Andrew Burdett, Managing Director who gave us an overview of the site as we drove around in the bus.
The sponsors for the site visit were CJD Equipment – Volvo. At the rear of the site off the main haul road we got off the bus and were greeted by two new L250G Loaders.

L250G Loader.
A presentation was made by Sales Managers from CJD Equipment to the group on the outstanding features of the machines and how they would be an asset to your quarry. Burdett Sands currently have five Volvo Wheel Loaders to use in their business.
“Fuel economy was important to us as fuel consumption is such a big cost in our business. We are 10% better off as a result of choosing Volvo” says Andrew Burdett.
Members were invited to climb aboard the machines before getting back on the bus. We then headed to the Burdett’s retail yard which not only sells garden supplies and stockpiles landscaping and building materials but it has a concrete plant and a coffee shop as well.
A very impressive and growing business that covers the full spectrum from the extraction of raw material in the ground for builders to the packaged products for the retail market. It was then time to get back on the bus to return to the Frankston International for the General Meeting.
Members were able to grab a quick cup of coffee or tea and the meeting was opened by Andrew Burdett, Member of the CMPA Management Committee, who gave the welcoming address to about 40 attendees. He first outlined the current activities of the CMPA. This was very important for the attendees to see the relevance of CMPA.
- CMPA is represented on the DSDBI’s Earth Resources Reform Committee that is reviewing Work Plans and the Rehabilitation Bond System – DSDBI Workshops have been held to develop a risk based Work Plan with representatives from CMPA.
- Regulatory Impact Statement for the Extractives Regulations has been released which foreshadow the setting of a proposed fee structure and fees for the extractive industry work authorities to which CMPA will respond.
- Industry Employers and Educational Providers Workshop – leading to the Conduct Haul truck operators training being developed from the job description.
- Developing more materials for members such as through the Guarding Guidelines Working Group which are in the process of being developed. The Blast Management Plan template has been endorsed by WorkSafe and is currently being updated.
- Policy and special interest fund. Funds went towards the development of training: Collect Routine Site Samples and Conduct Laboratory Based tests; medical documents including functional assessment; short form transport contract; credit Application (terms and conditions of trade), WorkSafely refresher courses and updated manual and Dust Management training.
He then went on to outline future issues
- Rehabilitation bonds
- Simplifications of Work Plans
- Fees for the Extractive Industry
- OH&S Act review
- Land management issues, e.g. Native vegetation, Cultural Heritage Management Plans for CMPA this year.
- Development of Dust Management Guidelines
- Further training developed from real job profiles
- Development of guidelines on recycling, mobile and fixed crushers

Next was the opportunity to be updated on key issues by the experts such as:
GE Capital, Mark Ellinghaus spoke about the economic climate in relation to the construction material processors industry.
Valenza Engineering Pty Ltd, Alex Valenza and Paul Larkin spoke about water management in the construction material processors industry. The cost of accounting for water usage against the actual cost of water used.
Progressive Green Pty Ltd, David Evans advised members about wholesale
electricity purchasing and how this can reduce costs for your quarry and recycling plants.
All speakers are Associate Members of CMPA and we greatly appreciate their time and efforts in presenting to us ways that we can all improve and grow our businesses.
Basil Natoli, Member of the CMPA Management Committee then provided a brief update on the DSDBI’s review of the Work Plan.
Hard copies of the presentations were provided to attendees as a refresher and post-meeting discussions with the presenters.
“Understanding power management revealed opportunities not previously
“Need to have more quarry owners attend to make the meeting a true success.”
This was followed by a buffet dinner and networking with other members. A total of about fifty CMPA members participated in various aspects of the day.
Thanks to all who helped make the day such a success especially the presenters from GE Capital, Valenza Engineering and Progressive
Green. Thanks to our sponsors DMcK Management Pty Ltd, CJD Equipment – Volvo and to Burdett Sands for allowing us to visit their quarry and retail yard.
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