Tour of Loy Yang Power Station
Photos supplied by Andrew Carter, Local Mix Quarries
On Saturday 13 August the CMPA held their Annual General Meeting & Dinner in Traralgon.
The location saw over 200 Members from around the state travel to Traralgon for the weekend. The CMPA organised a number of activities in the Traralgon region for interested Members to be involved in. These activities included a family day in Walhalla on Sunday 13 August, along with a tour of the Loy Yang Power Station in the afternoon prior to the Annual Meeting.
Andrew Carter of Local Mix Quarries in Moolap participated in the tour of the Loy Yang Power Station and has kindly supplied us with some of the photographs he took on the day.

Business Licence Information Service
As we would all be aware, there are masses of information available on the internet to assist a business (particularly with all government agencies having websites full of information) however often it is simply too hard to find that information.
Recently, we found a website that tells you every possible government licence you may ever need in the running of your businesses – from setting up a business, to getting an explosives licence to getting approval to play the radio as an on-hold message.
The website is once there, take the following steps:
- Go to ‘Licences, regulations and taxation’ on the left hand side of the screen
- Go to ‘Business licences and codes of practice’ which is on the centre of the page
- Click on the link ‘Search for business licences and codes of practice (BLIS)’ again on the centre of the page
- Once there, click the grey button on the centre of the screen, select enquiry type 3, and search for the business you would like information on (‘Quarry’ will cover most of our members)
You will find that over two stages you will now be able to select a number of different licences that may be required. You can select as few or as many as you like. The report (with links to the required forms) can then either be viewed on screen or sent to your email for future reference.
It may be disappointing to know all the different licences you need, but it will save you if the regulators start questioning!
Brain Teaser
Supplied by
Before the game, the manager of the “Anytown Homers” had to decide in what order to bat his 9 players.
However, the manager’s dog chewed the paper the lineup was written on as the manager drove to the game. He could remember:
- No one whose name begins with a “J” is the lead-off hitter.
- Blake bats in the middle of the lineup.
- Jay bats after Keith & Jake and before Gerald
- Mitch bats 3 spots away from Blake (2 between).
- Jon hits before Jay and after Blake.
- Doug bats before Mitch.
- Keith bats 2 spots before Jon (1 between).
- Jake bats third
- Jay bats 2 spots before Jack, who bats last (1 between).
See bottom of page for answer.
FREE Classifieds!
Auto Motor Electrician—Full Time Qualified or 3rd year apprentice, fast growing country town, 1 ½ hrs from Melbourne.
Apply in writing to: P.O Box 182, Sth Melbourne 3205
Jaques 2’4” Gyratory Cone Crusher
Contact: Cameron Goldsmith 0428 513 803
Jaques Bulldog non-clog crusher
Contact: David Germano 0428 525 726
Extended double horse float required with kitchenette.
Contact: 0418 325 303
Dunkeld Sandstone Quarry
Estimate stone reserve: 20 million cubic metres
Two types of stone available: white to off white, white with reddy ironstone inclusions, other variations with depth.
Please contact CMPA for details.
State of Play
Nothing to report in the way of significant works on the local highways and main roads in the area involving our industry. However, a considerable amount of work has been done constructing cable and post barriers along the Western highway shoulder, presumably to stop vehicles hitting roadside trees where safety distances are deemed to be hazardous. While driving in these areas the greatest incentive to avoid the trees is to avoid the cable barrier itself, so it may well be a good idea, despite the hierarchy of control suggesting something else.
Most operators in the region are busy enough for this time of year. Repairs and maintenance seem to be typical of this time of year in readiness for what will hopefully be yet another busy period after Christmas. Hopefully the higher fuel prices will not impede too much on this years budgets.
The Eastern Region is still fairly busy at the moment with a lot of construction and building underway. In particular, areas such as Traralgon and Moe are moving along quite strongly.
There seems to be a fair bit of sealing aggregates being delivered around the state. There is also a little bit of ballast and crushed rocks.
Work is increasing steadily now with the weather on the improve. Farmers and nurseries are doing a lot of work as well as plenty of roadworks. Local shires are releasing good size tenders for summer/late spring.
CMPA Publications—Update
The CMPA has recently purchased from the Victorian Transport Association (VTA) sets of documents now available to Members which include:
- Company Compliance Manual
- Daily Commercial Vehicle—Inspection Checklist
- Customer—National Chain of Responsibility & Road Safety Checklist
- Prime Contactor/Sub Contractor—National Chain of
- Responsibility & Road Safety Checklist
This set of four documents is available from the CMPA at a cost of $12.
Hot Work Permit (as discussed in the Perform Basic Cutting & Welding training course and reference manual)
This publication is in the same format as the other Safety Checklists. The purpose of the publication is to ensure that all necessary precautions are put in place before any hot work is carried out in order to prevent any associated hazards including uncontrolled fire, explosion, radiation, burns and toxic fumes. This publication is available at a cost of $18.
Site Manager’s Report Book
After a number of enquiries at the CMPA regarding the availability of a Site Manager’s Report Book for every day use, the CMPA has developed such a publication for its Members. This publication is available at a cost of $12.
Brain Teaser Solution
- Doug
- Mitch
- Jake
- Keith
- Blake
- Jon
- Jay
- Gerald
- Jack
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