Membership Matters (Issue 25)
Brain Teaser
Witty Will gets a job at a newly opened shoe store called Shoe Shack. His infamous brother, Arrogant Arnold, decides now he can reap up on his brother’s benefits and get himself new shoes, since his old Nikes for Tykes were getting way too babyish for him. One day, Arnold decided to go to Shoe Shack and ask his brother to get him some real Nikes for half price!
After his long pleading, Will made a deal with his brother. If Arnold could answer Will’s question, he would let Arnold use his employee benefits, but if not, Arnold would have to give Will ten bucks.
First, he gave Arnold one shoe which was tied and said to him, “Think about this; you HAVE to do it in your head. If you cut both loops of this shoelace, how many pieces of shoestring would you have in your hands?”
Obviously, Will got ten dollars richer, but can you answer his question? (No cheating, do it in your HEAD!)
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Solution at the bottom of this page.
Tim Bird, Allstone Quarries & CMPA Education Chairperson
Tim Bird, Director of Allstone Quarries, has been an enthusiastic and supportive member of the CMPA since 2000.
Tim has also dedicated a significant amount of time and effort to the position of Education Chairperson over the past two years.

Tim was responsible for instigating the production of the CMPA Education News Supplement which is produced quarterly for Members and is now in its eighth issue.
As Education Chairperson, Tim also assisted the Association in many areas including:
- The introduction and continued facilitation of Work Safely training
- The development of the Crushing & Screening Reference Manuals Project
- Various other educational ventures.
Rocks in the Blood…
With a family history in the industry, Tim grew up in and around quarries, and has worked in the family business for the past 17 years alongside father Graham and brother Wes.
Following the completion of Year 12, Tim moved on to complete a Certificate IV in Extractive Industries through Box Hill Institute of TAFE and is now the Director of three successful quarries in Victoria, located at Newbridge, Bendigo and Castlemaine, producing products including base, sub-base, aggregate and tertiary gravels.
Why he Digs…
Tim comments that “The best part of being a quarry owner is the challenge of balancing all the aspects of the business with respect to profit, environment, capital, safety, customer satisfaction and creating employment.”
When asked what he values most about the extractive industry, Tim believes the value is in the people and their willingness to readily share ideas and experiences.
The worst part according to Tim would be the high capital investment, red tape, and dealing with slow moving bureaucrats.
Slaving over the CMPA…
Why does he do it? Tim commented that he is “driven by the Association’s achievement in opening up the communication channels between owners, thus bringing forward relevant issues that can be fought together. Without people volunteering to do the work, it just wouldn’t happen.”
Tim believes that issues such the length of the Work Authority process, bonds, and the education of the workforce to cover increasing regulatory requirements are the major issues in today’s environment.
Making a prediction on the future of the industry, Tim believes we will be faced with issues such as the availability of resources, imported dimensional products, and the increasing restrictions and regulations placed upon the industry.
Tim would like to thank the CMPA for its guidance and direction throughout his membership, noting that the Association has been instrumental in the growth and protection of his business.
Thank You Tim!
The CMPA would like to extend its appreciation towards Tim Bird, not only for his genuine devotion to the position of Education Chairperson, but also for his generosity towards other Members and the Association as a whole.
Brain Teaser Solution
Arnold would only have one shoestring in his hand since he did the problem in his head! (Just so that you know, if he actually did cut the string, there would be three pieces.)
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