National Heavy Vehicle Driver Competency Framework
DR ELIZABETH GIBSON, CMPA outlines the process towards the new Heavy Vehicle Driver Competency Framework (NHVDCF).
Australia’s Transport Ministers have agreed in-principle to an improved, nationally consistent approach to the training and licence progression of heavy vehicle drivers, that improves road safety and productivity.
The in-principle changes were approved by infrastructure and transport ministers in December 2023 through the agreement by the Infrastructure and Transport Ministers Meeting (ITMM) to endorse the National Heavy Vehicle Driver Competency Framework Decision Regulation Impact Statement (D-RIS).
The changes are designed to increase the safety and jobreadiness of heavy vehicle drivers.
Austroads will develop best-practice standards and training material to support consistent delivery of the enhanced heavy vehicle competencies and assessments.
Austroads will work with each state and territory government and the different industries to fully scope the implementation program, identify policy, service and stakeholder issues and options, and seek to collaboratively develop a coordinated plan to deliver the anticipated safety and productivity benefits of the reform ( and-vehicles/registration-and-licensing/heavy-vehicle-driver-competency framework).
What does this mean for Victoria?
Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) are improving heavy vehicle licensing to increase safety for all road users in Victoria by making sure heavy vehicle drivers have the necessary experience and training to be safe and competent on our roads.
• A new and progressive licensing system.
• The Victorian Heavy Vehicle Driver Safety Reform (HVDSR) is a key deliverable of the Victorian Road Safety Action Plan 2021-23.
The reform also delivers against recommendation 27 of the Parliamentary Inquiry into the increase of Victoria’s Road Toll in 2019.
Figure 1. Relationship between the National Heavy Vehicle Driver Competency Framework (Austroads) and the Victorian Heavy Vehicle Driver Safety Reform (DTP).

*Note: MR – Medium Rigid HC – Heavy Combination MC – Multi Combination

Next Steps Nationally
• Austroads is establishing a National project team to lead the development of national policy
• Intended to promote harmonised implementation, minimise rework and support more efficient jurisdictional implementation
• Current early estimates are that the national work program will take 2 years to substantively complete with more detailed planning to be done.
• Formal governance and decision-making bodies will be established, including a Taskforce and working groups.
Next Steps Victoria
Based on new data available in the D-RIS and Austroads materials
• Refreshing the Victorian economic analysis.
• Detailed impact analysis focusing on unintended consequences.
• Development of Victorian Curriculum standards and prescriptive requirements
• Draft and update Victorian Regulatory and policy positions.
• Commence detailed design works with DTP implementation partners.
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