New & Changing Work Authorities (Issue 41)
Over the last two months the average time frame for the approvals process has continued to increase for new sites, but has decreased for variations as reported by SARAH ANDREW, CMPA Project Manager.
SINCE the September report, there has been a clear increase in the average time required to progress a new Work Authority application through.
There continues to be considerable delay between the endorsement and the approval – which may be due to difficulties in obtaining a Planning Permit (and any necessary VCAT or other appeals).
Variations appear to be progressing slightly more efficiently at present. This is difficult to assess but could be due to the complexity of the variations being lower than what was previously presented.
There are presently 53 new Work Authority applications and 42 variations being processed by the DPI. The number outstanding has remained consistent over the last year (± 9) as has the time over which applications have remained outstanding.
This data is drawn from the ‘Work Plan Endorsement and Approvals Report’ which summarises the status of extractive industry, mineral exploration and mining work plans which have been lodged with the Minerals and Petroleum Regulation Branch of the Department of Primary Industries for assessment.
The Report is updated fortnightly and only includes information about work plans lodged after 1 May 2006. This data is based on the report released on November 10, 2008.
The table provides details on the Work Authority application approval process sorted by approval stage, being:
Not yet endorsed: Work Authorities presented to the DPI, but not endorsed. It may be pending further information from the applicant, DPI or other referral authority.
Endorsed but not approved: Work Authorities that have been endorsed by DPI but have not attained a Planning Permit and therefore have not gained approval.
Approved: Work Authorities that are ready to commence operations.

- Nine of the last ten WA numbers issued are held by private capital.
- Proponents in seven of these ten cases do not hold any other WA.
- All ten Greenfield sites are located in regional Victoria – four in the south west, three in Gippsland, two in the north east and one in the north west.
- Six proponents are proposing sand/gravel operations, three are proposing limestone operations and one is proposing a hornsfels quarry.
- There have been five variations proposed since July 2008. Two of these have been approved. Three of the five were put forward by private operators.
- There are five greenfield applications and four variations that have not been approved and have been around for over three years – all are noted as being with the proponent.
- There are three greenfield applications and two variations that have been endorsed but not approved and were first presented to DPI over three years ago

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