Outstanding WA Applications (Issue 34)
The graph to the below ‘History of Application Status’ refers to those Work Authority applications yet to be approved, and provides a comparison over time.

‘With Proponent’, ‘With MPR’, and ‘With Referral’ all refer to applications currently in the Draft Work Plan stage. ‘Endorsed’ refers to applications for
which the Work Plan has been endorsed, however the Work Authority is yet to be approved (i.e. generally waiting on planning permits).
The graph below ‘Outstanding Applications’ reflects the total of all Work Authority applications (yet to be approved) at the most recent point on the
‘History of Application Status’ graph to the right. I.e. As at 24/7/2005 the sum of all applications at the four stages was 89 (see above). These 89 applications are separated below into both Greenfield and Variation applications, and further broken down to reflect when the applications were originally made.

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