Preventing the ignition of a bushfire on a quarry site
GAVIN MOREIRA, Member Services Manager of the CMPA provides an extract from the Bushfire Response and Readiness Plan Template.

The objective of this Bushfire Response and Readiness Plan Template is to assist CMPA members in ensuring that procedures are in place and that responsibilities are defined and understood to prevent the ignition of a bushfire on a quarry site and or to reduce the impact of an encroaching bushfire.
Code of Practice for Small Quarries Requirements
The Code of Practice for Small Quarries (2010) section 5.8 Fire Management lists the following requirements (R) with the objective of ensuring that a quarrying activity does not contribute to or exacerbate fire hazards:
• R28. The Work Authority holder must take all reasonable measures to prevent the ignition and spread of fire
• R29. The Work Authority holder must ensure that all buildings, fixed plant and mobile equipment are fitted with fire-fighting equipment, such as fire extinguishers, fire blankets, knapsack spray pumps and rake-hoes
The Code recommends that Work Authority holders establish the following practices:
• Develop a fire management plan
• Maintain appropriate fire – fighting equipment at a work site
• Check the undersides of vehicles periodically to ensure they are kept free of vegetation debris that could dry out and ignite
• Store flammable materials such as waste hydrocarbons away from ignition sources
The Bushfire Response and Readiness Plan is a risk-based management plan that assembles the overall approach to the management of bushfire.
Where and if applicable Safe Work Procedures, Safe Work Methods Statements, checklists and so forth should be referred to in your Bushfire Response and Readiness Plan.
Approach to Prevention and Control
For a bushfire to occur there are three factors which must be present, an ignition source, oxygen and fuel.
Sources of ignition may be quarry related activities such as hot works or external ignition sources, such as electricity transmission lines, lightning or arson.
The progress and consequences of a bushfire will be affected
by fuel availability, including type and amount, as well as
terrain and weather, including winds, humidity and ambient
air temperature.
The progress and consequences of a bushfire can potentially be
influenced through preventative and preparedness initiatives.
Quarries should be prepared to and where applicable attempt
to control the progression and consequence of externally ignited bushfires that may impact the quarry and its assets, the quarry’s neighbors and the surrounding community.
The objectives of the Bushfire Response and Readiness Plan are to ensure that:
• Quarry operational activities are managed in a manner that reduces the risk of a bushfire igniting from within the quarry site
• Quarry management and workers are aware of any encroaching bushfire that may threaten the quarry personnel, site and assets
• Quarry management and workers are prepared to safely react to any internally ignited or encroaching or impacting bushfire
• Our community and our firefighting services are aware of our approach to preventing and controlling bushfires
The following responsibilities are to be established to implement and maintain this Bushfire Response and Readiness Plan.
Quarry Manager
• Ensure all quarry workers, contractors and visitors are aware of the requirements of this plan as applicable
• Ensure compliance with the requirements of this plan
• Ensure the Country Fire Authority (CFA) are aware of this plan
• Liaise with and comply with directives from the CFA as required
• Initiate an emergency response as required
• Initiate the investigation of any fire or bushfire incidents that occur within the quarry
• Initiate the review of this plan as an when required Quarry Workers & Contractors
• Comply with the requirements of this this plan
• Comply with directives from CFA as required
Training & Awareness
The following training and awareness initiatives are to be established to ensure the successful application of the Bushfire Response and Readiness Plan:
• Quarry workers and contractors shall undertake site specific bushfire awareness training prior to the bushfire season (November to March)
• The training shall take into account and be based on the content of this plan
• Regular reminders of responsibilities and obligations regarding bushfire prevention and control will be communicated at toolbox talks
Workers who may be potentially involved in firefighting shall undertake training that is inclusive of but not
limited to:
• Fire Behaviour
• Use of firefighting equipment
• Managing heat stress
• Use of personal protective equipment
If you would like a further training session on developing your Bushfire Response and Readiness Management Plan, please contact
Copies of the Bushfire Response and Readiness Plan Template can be obtained from the CMPA website

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