Roads and Roads Safety Minister presents at CMPA General Meeting
ELIZABETH GIBSON, General Manager of CMPA.
A very important General meeting was held on 17th May 2018 in Epping with 30 CMPA members in attendance who listened and discussed issues presented and themed around Demand and Supply of Extractive Resources.
It was with much warmth that John Mawson (Managing Director, EB Mawson and Sons and CMPA Management Committee Member) welcomed and introduced the first speaker The Hon Luke Donnellan MP Minister for Roads and Road Safety. The Minister gave a detailed introduction into the projects and programs for roads announced in the 2018/19 budget.
2018/19 Roads Budget: Demand for extractive resources
The Minister spoke on the last four budgets having delivered a massive boost to Victoria’s road network. This was not just an investment in big projects; new roads and upgraded roads where they are needed the most — in the outer suburbs of Melbourne, at bottlenecks like Chandler Highway and Hoddle Street, and in regional Victoria.
This year’s roads budget is headlined by $4.3 billion to fund better roads around Victoria: $2.2 billion will go towards upgrading 13 arterial roads across the northern and south-eastern suburbs; $941 million will go towards the biggest regional road maintenance boost Victoria has ever seen to fix more than 1000 kilometres of roads; $116 million will go to boost roads across the metropolitan area; $110 million will go to fast-track the completion of detailed planning and design of the north-east link; and $22 million will be dedicated towards active transport initiatives, and that includes over 200 kilometres of dedicated cycling paths, pedestrian paths and shared paths we are rolling out as part of our major roads projects.
The Minister then went into further detail on the initiatives which was followed by a question and answer session.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Basil Natoli (BCA Consulting) Ant Bateup (Mansfield Crushing) Elizabeth Gibson (CMPA)
The Hon Luke Donnellan MP (Minister for Roads and Road Safety) Jason Comben (K & RJ Matthews) John Mawson (EB Mawson & Sons) Drew Phillips (Castella Quarries) Jason Rudge (CMPA Associate Chairperson, William Adams) Sarah Andrew & Ron Kerr (Conundrum Holdings)
Extractive Resources Strategy:
Supply of extractive resources
John Krbaleski Executive Director Earth Resources Policy and Programs (DEDJTR).
An overview was given of the soon to be launched Extractive Resources Strategy (ERS). The themes of the ERS and priority actions were outlined:
- Resource and land use planning
- Transport and local infrastructure planning
- Efficient regulation
- Confident communities
- Environmental sustainability
- Innovative sector
The ERS also incorporates the recommendations from Anna Cronin, Commissioner for Better Regulation Review, “Getting the groundwork right: implementation plan”. The Extractive Resources Strategy was launched on Friday 15 June 2018 by the Treasurer/Minister for Resources The Hon Tim Pallas MP (see previous article).
There was plenty of questions raised and discussions had over a drink and a two course dinner provided by the venue. These discussions were aided by the presence of John Krbaleski and Helen Foard, Director Minerals Development Victoria. Members were also able to network with each other and to compare notes from the evening’s proceedings.
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