Safety Features around Conveyors
Maintaining Safety around Conveyors with proper guarding and work practices is an important OHS issue within the construction material industry. Below is an extract from the CMPA’s Conduct Screening and
Conveying Operations Reference Manual.
A requirement of operating any mobile or fixed processing equipment is to ensure that the General Safety Checks are carried out prior to operation, during processing and at the end of production. (refer to the Crushing / Screening reporting and Inspection Book put together by the CMPA
with assistance from members) this will ensure that the equipment is in a safe working order to operate.
Conveyors are fitted with a number of safety features to make their operation safer. It is essential that these features are always in working order and are used in strict compliance with the site or OEM requirements.
Appropriately located catwalks and work platforms are an integral part of the conveyor system, ensuring those using the plant are able to:
- Access the belt, rollers and auxiliary devices for inspection
- Access equipment for installation and maintenance work in a safe manner with sufficient room to carry out the task with equipment on hand
To eliminate working at heights it is appropriate, where possible, maintenance be carried out at ground level prior to commissioning of plant.
Lanyards and Emergency Stops
Lanyards are cables that when pulled, trip a switch that stops the conveyor. they must be fitted to all accessible conveyors. Many within industry are now threading the lanyard through eyelets in the guards to ensure the guard cannot be removed without stopping the conveyor.
Similarly, conveyors are fitted with emergency stop buttons in key locations. All emergency stop buttons must be clearly signposted. It is essential that you know where these are located on your site.
Guards need to be fitted to protect people from moving parts and nip points. As conveyors by their very nature are moving, they must be guarded. Conveyors are often guarded by means of large panels secured to the frame of the conveyor.
All guards must comply with AS 4024.1:2006 – Safety of Machinery.
To gain a better understanding or improve your knowledge of Conveyors, Box Hill TAFE will be running the Cert II unit on Conduct Screening and Conveying operations.
This unit covers conducting screening and conveying operations in metalliferous mining and extractive industries. It includes the planning and preparing for operations, conducting screening plant operations and carrying out post operational procedures.
Dates: 22nd and 29th August 2014
Location: Box Hill
Contact: Diane Wilson 03 9286 9711
Minimum of 8 attendees to run the course
Guarding Guidelines
The CMPA Secretariat has formed a technical Group made up of CMPA Members following the guarding workshop back in February 2014.
Currently we are in the process of developing Guarding Guidelines for the construction material industry.

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