We’re not sure where this amazing photo was taken, but we do know it’s one of the most dangerous and downright ridiculous Absolute Shockers we have ever published! How little force would it take for one of these ad hoc props to slide out, bringing the utility (pick-up truck) crashing down on the head of the adventurous welder? Accidentally leaning back against the prop directly behind him would be enough! And if such a mishap had occurred, what chance would this man have had of avoiding a sudden appointment with an undertaker? Never forget: Structural collapse is one of construction’s biggest killers!
The subscriber who sent us this nomination commented:
“Aside from the very obvious issues with the support system and the car balancing on such a precarious angle, how many other hazards can be spotted?
“A few I thought of are terrible work posture / ergonomics, electrical leads running into the road, no gloves or lower arm protection. There is clearly someone else watching the activity as can be seen by the shadow, yet they are not intervening to stop this ridiculous behaviour!”
Absolute Shocker of the Week is published by WorkSafe Victoria’s Construction & Utilities Program in the interests of promoting safer work practices. It may be freely copied. To receive our free weekly emailed newsletter, Safety Soapbox, simply email and provide your name, organisation, position, telephone contact and preferred email address. WorkSafe Victoria is a division of the Victorian WorkCover Authority
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