Stack sites

By on June 22, 2006

Responsibility of stack site facilities

In response to a Member’s enquiry regarding the responsibility of Victorian aggregate stack site facilities for the various sealing programs the following advice is offered:

  1. The responsibility for stack site maintenance can vary between geographic areas.
  2. The responsibilities for the stack site can vary depending on what is in the contract between the principal and the contractor. (Note that we should refer to principal being potentially VicRoads or a Council. The contractor is the sealing contractor who has been issued a contract by the principal and the quarry is the supplier of sealing aggregates.)
  3. The commercial arrangements quarries have are between the quarry and the contractor.
  4. These commercial arrangements mean that it is always the contractor’s responsibility to ensure the nominated stack sites are suitable and suitably maintained before the delivery is made by the
  5. It is the contractor’s responsibility to make inspections of the stack sites before work commences.
  6. On inspection of nominated stack sites and in the event of any problems the contractor should have referred to their contract and have the site changed or rectified. The responsibility for rectification will then lie with them or the principal depending on the contractual arrangements.
  7. It is highly recommended that the contractor should supply the quarry a checklist. Such a list may consist of the following typical items:
  • This stack site has been inspected by…
  • This stack site is or is not suitable in all weather conditions…
  • The stack site is suitable for egress/exit for the following delivery vehicle combination…
  • The stack site has/has not “no go zones” relating to overhead power or underground hazards
  • Has the stack site been graded? Are all old materials removed or suitably graded into the stockpile area?
  • The stack site has the following hazards identified…

It is highly recommended that the quarry industry encourages the contractor’s to adopt these issues for quality and their OH&S responsibilities.

As far as a checklist is concerned, the CMPA could contact the contractors through their industry association to suggest formulating a standard checklist/ document for all Victorian contracts.

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