Strzelecki Awards
Peter Batchelor, Minister for Energy and Resources, is pleased to announce the opening of the 2009 Strzelecki Awards, to honour and encourage environmental and social excellence and innovation in Victoria’s earth resources sector. Reports JOHN MITAS, Acting Director, Minerals and Petroleum Regulation.
THE Government is committed to developing a minerals, extractive, geothermal and petroleum industry that contributes substantially to the wealth and well being of all Victorians, while meeting contemporary community expectations for social and environmental outcomes.
The 2009 Strzelecki Awards will recognise and encourage environmental and social excellence and innovation within the earth resources industries. Winning a Strzelecki award is recognition that a company has contributed to the continuing sustainable development of Victoria’s precious earth resources.
Following detailed consultation with industry it was decided that this years’ awards categories will reflect the relative size of the operation. Therefore the categories are; small, medium and large earth resources operations (see matrix below) with a separate category for exploration activities.

This is aimed at encouraging participation of small size operations, who may feel that their projects could not compete with the projects of much larger operations.
In order to encourage maximum participation from all sectors the entry process has been significantly simplified and assistance is being offered to those wishing to enter, in the form of DPI officers who will be visiting all regions in order to off er support and advice.
Eligible projects should demonstrate excellence and innovation in sustainable earth resource development or exploration. Activities may include but are not limited to: community engagement; environmental management, energy conservation, water conservation, greenhouse gas reduction, environmental off set programs, best practice, rehabilitation of the natural environment and training and education programs.
Entry criteria and writing tips are available from the Banksia Environmental Foundation website at
For more information or for assistance in completing your application please contact Sarah Hill of the Department of Primary Industries on 03 9658 4432 or Wayne Slattery of Banksia on 03 9684 4667.
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