Surveys, Reviews, Questionnaires, Feedback
TEGAN ELDRIDGE, CMPA Document Development Officer attends Combined Crushing and Screening Operations training course to gain a first hand understanding of the process.
AFTER speaking to past students of both the Conduct Screening and Combined Crushing & Screening courses, I found that feedback was minimal, thus providing me with little insight on how to further and better develop the programs.
It occurred to me; what better way to understand the experience of the student than to myself, experience the course as the student?
On the 15th of May, I, along with many others, will be attending my first CMPA certified course at Box Hill Institute of TAFE.
Although I won’t be leaving with a certificate in Combined Crushing & Screening Operations, I expect to develop a much more comprehensive understanding of the course, including both its presentation and content delivery; which will undoubtedly assist me in producing manuals in a manner that will be most suitable to captivate and educate the audience.
The Conduct Crushing Operations reference manual is beginning construction interstate in late May. Like any piece of mobile plant preparing for its first long journey, the necessary final maintenance checks are being carried out. Site visits are being organised to obtain the remaining required photos.
Adrian Town is again working overtime to source images from various sources. Thanks also to Conundrum Holdings for supplying photos of measuring the CSS using foil. Sketches are also being prepared to assist in compilation of the reference manual, where images could not be acquired.
I look forward to meeting many of you and indulging in the course experience that the Combined Crushing & Screening course will provide. The benefits of social networking and that which will be learned are undoubtedly immeasurable.

Combined Crushing and Screening Reference Manual
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