Talking the Night Away
At the CMPA Annual General Meeting and Dinner, attendees were entertained and networked with industry peers thanks to the generous support given by the night’s sponsors. Following is a review of the AGM & Dinner covered by BRIONY ROWLEY, CMPA Administration Officer
AFTER months of hard work by Sarah and I, Saturday 16 August saw almost 200 Members and their guests gather at Bayview on the Park in Melbourne for the eighth Annual General Meeting and Dinner of the CMPA.
The evening commenced with the AGM at which annual reports were presented by the Chairperson, Associate Chairperson, Education Chairperson, Policy & Special Issues Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. These reports are published in the Annual Report which is available from the ‘Members Only’ area of the CMPA website.
Robin Hocking, as Treasurer, presented the audited financial reports for consideration and these were approved. Key points from the reports included:
- A profit of $9,714 was made which was a vast improvement on the loss made the previous year.
- Income increased by 16% to just under $300,000. Much of this is attributed to an increase in Member’s subscriptions.
- Expenses reduced by 18% to just under $290,000. This was mainly attributed to the substantially lower consulting fees and tighter financial management by the Secretariat.
The last order of business for the AGM was the election of a new Chairperson and several new committee members. As Members would be aware, Tim Bird was elected as the CMPA’s Chairperson for a period of 12 months.
We thank Tim for taking on this role and look forward to working with him over the coming year. In addition, four members were elected to positions on the committee being Garry Barclay, David Carrucan, Garry Cranny and John Mawson.
Pre-dinner drinks saw the crowd well entertained by the wonderful magician Nicholas Johnson. I’m not sure what was better – the magic tricks or the guests assisting Nicholas!
Everyone soon moved to the dining room where they were welcomed to the evening by our talented MC, Warren Colbert. Guests had the opportunity to network, use the Caterpillar simulators and get their pictures drawn by the caricaturist.

A few brief words were given by Ron Kerr, Honorary CEO on the importance of volunteers in the community and the CMPA. Grant Phillips, outgoing Chairperson followed this with his annual report and officially handed the reins to Tim Bird, incoming Chairperson, after five years at the helm. Tim spoke to those present about where the CMPA is headed in the coming year.
Mike Hamer from Terex Jaques gave the keynote presentation where he discussed cultural challenges in the workplace and covered the history of the organisation.
Overall the dinner went very well, with many new contacts made and old ones renewed. We sincerely hope everyone had a great evening and we look forward to seeing you all again next year!

On behalf of the guests at the 2008 Annual Dinner, we would like to thank all those who sponsored the evening:
Platinum sponsors: Groeneveld Australia, Hitachi Construction Machinery, Impact Drilling, Indeco, Komatsu Australia, Landmark Contracting, Orica Quarry Services
Gold sponsors: Belmont Diesel, Caterpillar Institute, Crushing & Mining Equipment, Delta Rent, Sandvik Mining & Construction, Terex Jaques, William Adams
Silver sponsors: CJD Equipment, Focus Creative Development Solutions, Striker Crushing & Screening, WAM Australia
Bronze Sponsors: Galesafe Weighing, Nevett Ford Lawyers
It would be greatly appreciated if all Members could thank these companies if you are talking to them. Please consider these companies when you are next pricing a job.
2009 Annual Dinner. Saturday, August 15. Ballarat region More information will be available closer to the event, but put it in your diaries now!
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