The transition from Crushing Equipment P/L to Amsted Global Solutions in Australia
For more than 30 years Crushing Equipment P/L were an Australian wide renowned provider of mining consumables with high quality manganese castings, crusher accessories and no nonsense expertise in the crushing industry, and a CMPA Associate Member since 2002. Now Amsted Global Solutions continue the legacy in support of the construction material industry.
During August 2020 though Crushing Equipment Australia Director, Tom Bruce announced to the market that the Board of Cast Products had decided to close Crushing Equipment P/L owing to the impending financial distress by the parent company Cast Products South Africa. Crushing Equipment continued to trade for a term until all open orders had been fulfilled and all
revenues collected and of course all suppliers paid.
Tom Bruce continued with the business and was empowered to finalise and wind up the Crushing Equipment entity on behalf of the CE board and provided great assistance in the transition process. Tom concluded his time with Crushing Equipment in March 2021 when he retired from the industry to enjoy quality time with his family and of course indulging his passion of golf.
In parallel with the Crushing Equipment closure announcement, Amsted Industries announced that they were filling the void in this crushing and mining consumables space through creation of a brand-new company Amsted Global Solutions (AGS). Amsted Industries is a diversified, global manufacturer of industrial components with a long heritage of cutting-edge
manufacturing and continuous product innovation, with strong parallels in model to the Crushing Equipment business. The similar core competency in foundries, manufacturing and international supply chain made for a very neat transition to the new entity and AGS was born.
AGS identified early on that they required strong, customer focussed leadership in Australia to support their intended growth strategy and recruited Michael Ewing as General Manager of AGS Australia to drive the strategy. Michael’s background is in mining, construction and manufacturing having worked most recently for SIMEC Mining in Whyalla South Australia and Infrabuild Construction Solutions in Victoria. Michael took up his role in February 2021 and was able to build strong relationships with the outgoing Tom Bruce, AGS employees and importantly our customers. AGS continue to supply the huge range of previously supplied Crushing Equipment crusher spares sourced locally and abroad and have replicated the supply chain to ensure that a quality, foundry-first mindset has been maintained.
Whilst some Crushing Equipment employees chose to retire, AGS transitioned all remaining sales and administrative employees from Australia and South America across to the new business entity. Importantly AGS was steadfast in ensuring that Crushing Equipment customers were not disadvantaged in the transition and that good supply and stocking was always maintained during the transition. Today our global team consists
of sales, administration, finance, engineering, metallurgical, foundry and supply chain experts networked across the Asia Pacific, South American and North American regions.
Since 2021 AGS have been steadily working through the business transition to:
• New lower cost warehousing premises
• New MRP/ERP systems to allow end to end tracking of customer orders
• Recruitment of new salespeople in the key marketplaces
• Development of new products to offer our customers a competitive advantage
• Strengthening of global supply chains to support our customers operational security
The transition of customers and suppliers to the new operating entity has not been without bumps and hurdles but in most of the cases feedback from the customers has been exceptional and we thank them for their continued and ongoing support to the business.
AGS continue to have a presence across Australia in both the Mining and Quarrying space and look forward to enquiries from new and existing customers. We continue to partner with industry leaders such as Holcim, Boral, BHP, South 32 and others to push the boundaries of our wear products and their overall cost benefit. Call us today and let us help you to optimise your crushing operation with sound advice and quality products.

Our current key contacts look forward to taking your call.
Please take a moment to update your electronic contacts
lists with the following team members:
Daniel Brown
Technical Sales Manager Victoria
E: – M: +61 439 393 717
Alistair Ramsay
Technical Sales Manager WA & NT
E: – M: +61 407 362 053
Nathan Sutton
Technical Sales Manager QLD/NSW
E: – M: +61 418 622 482
All purchase orders should be sent to:
Article written by:
Michael Ewing, General Manager – Australia
Amsted Global Solutions Pty Ltd
M: 0425 879 449 – E:

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