Tracking New Skills in your Personal Work Record Book
GAVIN MOREIRA , Administration Officer of the CMPA provides an overview of the new Personal Work Record Book.
THE purpose behind the Personal Work Record Book is to provide individual employees with a singular, centralised location to document evidence of skills they have learnt in the work place.
It provides evidence to support employee competency in a formal assessment by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and provides Managers/Mentors with a reference on individual employees’ understanding of various tasks.
Early attempts at documenting the skills learnt by employees involved the completion of daily reports by operators. Last year the Work Record Book was introduced to provide a centralised means by which employees could document these skills and record the tasks they undertake as trainees to assist in assessments confirming their competency. This year the document was renamed Personal Work Record Book and revised to ensure the document was being utilised to its full potential and providing evidence of a gradual build up of tasks.
The Personal Work Record Book is generic in nature to allow any employee to use it, and it would be advisable to keep it on site. It’s recommended that each employee complete it and that the employee’s Manager/Mentor reminds them to complete it. If it’s not completed, it’s not possible to prove competency and as such, it is not possible to work unsupervised.

Although it is necessary to use the Personal Work Record Book until competency is proven, employees should be supported and encouraged by their Manager and Mentor to continue using it as they learn new skills.
It would be wise for employees to complete their Personal Work Record Book as each new task is undertaken and have their Manager/Mentor sign it off regularly. It’s recommended that the Manager/Mentor provide support to the employees through the Manager/Mentor Comments section by providing feedback and suggestions on where further information and documentation can be accessed. Managers are responsible for ensuring completed tasks are regularly forwarded to Head Office.
Additional Management structures to support your competency work process are necessary to establish evidence that your operators understand their role. Creation of a period where the staff can be observed, supervised and then unsupervised would be beneficial to the employee and the company.
The books can also be used by the employee as a tool for mentoring others in the future; and to reinforce the employee’s learning process after repeated use over time.
The document is now released as a CMPA publication for the benefit of the industry as a whole and along with the accompanying Procedure Document is available to purchase at a cost of $25 Members and $45 Non-members. To order a new Personal Work Record Book contact the Secretariat by phone: 1300 267 222 or email: enquiries@cmpavic-asn-au

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