Traffic Management Controls

By on August 4, 2023

GAVIN MOREIRA, Member Services Manager from the CMPA provides an extract from the “Traffic Management Guideline.”

The CMPA Traffic Management Guideline details some 20 common controls utilised in the construction materials industry to reduce the risk associated with traffic to an acceptable level, i.e., as far as is reasonably practicable . See two below:

General controls:
• Defined tarping, queueing, hold points and tip off area/s;
• Danger areas sign posted and excavation work in progress cordoned off;
• Boom gates controlling entrance and exit, if practical;
• Barricades restricting/stopping access to ‘no entry’ areas;
• Fuel storage away from traffic areas or protected by bollards/bunding;
• Regular maintenance of roadways including grading of unsealed roads;
• Roads with appropriate cross fall to allow sufficient drainage;
• Bollards/berms around drains, culverts and channels;

• Protruding edges of bins, stands and support structures painted yellow;
• Adequate lighting for night work (minimum 80 lux), especially near buildings, intersections and walkways including inspection/maintenance programs for the lights to ensure they work and are clean/effective;
• Blind spot mirrors;
• Control of roadway vegetation;
• Signposted adequate parking areas and/or sidings to allow drive to in/drive out parking where practical; and/or
• Mandated reversing parking to allow drivers full vision of the driving pathway when leaving a parking bay.

Edge Protection Berms are designed to prevent mobile equipment, light vehicles and persons from driving, reversing or falling into dangerous areas, e.g., sediments ponds/dams or another level, or the bench below.

Edge Protection Berms should be at least 1.5 times the front axle height of the largest item of mobile equipment so as to be able to constrain that mobile equipment. Larger berms may be necessary in areas where vehicles have more speed, are travelling around curves or are negotiating steep gradients.

Berms should be constructed out of unweathered, freely draining,
materials which can be easily maintained and act as a suitable barrier and constraint. Large rocks or concrete blocks used as berms could potentially be dislodged and fall to another level.

When constructing berms give consideration to the following:
• Berms should be firm enough that they are not easily penetrated by tyres;
• Berms constructed of broken rock will normally offer adequate restraint due to the interlocking and frictional resistance of the rock pieces;
• The inside slope of a berm should be steep enough to prevent the tires from easily climbing up and going over the berm;
• The angle of repose of material being used;
• The distance required from edge of face to toe of berm (falling rock protection);

• Whether a berm is also required at the toe of the face to catch roll out of rock from face from entering into the drainage system. (falling rock protection); and
• Angle of repose of faces, stability of ground (historical evidence of movement).

Please contact the CMPA if you require a copy of the guideline
03 5781 0655 or check the website

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