Training Day for Certificate IV Students
NEIL KINDER, Managing Director of Kinder & Co, was delighted to host a training day for the students doing Certificate IV in Surface Extraction Operations.
STAFF training and development in the Extractive Industry is as important as ever. Increased Government regulations and demand for up to date qualifications have seen the need for further training and information regarding the latest trends and equipment available in the marketplace.
“Peoples’ education can quickly fall behind on the more efficient ways of doing things and the importance of safety,” said Managing Director of Kinder & Co., Mr Neil Kinder.
Kinder and Co was delighted to be able to host a training day for the Box Hill Institute of TAFE Certificate IV in Surface Extraction Operations students. Demonstrating the correct application of conveyor hardware, assessing the appropriate product for conveyor tracking/spillage and managing safety issues surrounding conveyors.

Certainly the OH&S bar has been lifted in recent years and the significance of keeping people in the loop was evident in the discussions.
CMPA members currently undertaking the Certificate IV in Surface Extraction Operations include employees from EB Mawson & Sons, Local Mix Quarries and Yarra Valley Quarries.
Charles Pratt Operations Manager (Dime), Peter Wei Senior Sales Engineer (B.Eng CHEM) and Marc Selby Sales Engineer (B MechEng) presented sessions on flow and anti wear, conveyor transfer points, dust sealing, belt protection conveyor guarding and belt tracking.
Utilizing the mobile display trailer proved a useful demonstration tool allowing each participant a close look at the correct positioning of equipment on a working conveyor, and demonstrating clearly what does what.
Kinder and Co has developed an excellent relationship with the CMPA since the company’s inception in 1985 and prides itself on its innovative products that provide bulk materials handling solutions to the extractive industry.
All sales engineers regularly appear as guest speakers at industry events and conferences, using their knowledge to educate the attendees. As industry leaders they can be relied on to bring the latest technology to the marketplace.
Further information contact Neil Kinder on (03) 9587 9244
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