Tuckers Hill Quarry (Vic)

David Pettman, Quarry Manager for Tuckers Hill Quarry reports on the development of the quarry.
Tuckers Hill Quarry (Vic) “Strengthening relationships and building Solid Foundations”.
Tuckers Hill Quarry (Vic) is proudly a locally owned and operated quarry located strategically at Great Western. Tuckers Hill Quarry was acquired in September 2017 as an underutilised bluestone resource by Millers Civil Contractors.
By having our own quarry this guaranteed supply of material for years to come. We see Tuckers Hill Quarry as the best resource in the area offering an extremely good source of rock and an ideal placement to service major civil projects and allow easy access for passing traffic who are back loading products.

Since acquiring Tuckers Hill Quarry, we have renewed the entire site with a new weighbridge, offices, site amenities, completely new Metso crushing and screening circuit and maintained a strong focus on adding further equipment as we progress.
We gained Vic Roads approval within only a few months of starting this operation for our class 1 and 3 mixes. The feedback from VicRoads and other clients has been excellent. The next phase of our development will be to venture in the production of sealing aggregates. With a PSV of 63 we feel that our aggregates will be highly sought after in a market that is struggling to keep up with the current demands.

We offer a wide range of quarried products and offer the ability to tailor make a product to suit an individual customer’s needs. We have a fleet of trucks in various combinations from tipper, super dog, quad dog and belly dumpers to service all delivery needs. We also utilise several contractors to add to our delivery fleet as required.

We look forward to supplying your bluestone needs in the future. Please call one of our friendly staff for a quote ex bin or delivered to your site promptly.
Tuckers Hill Quarry are a new member to the CMPA and we look forward to the collective sharing of ideas and opportunities in our industry. We will also have more of a voice if issues arise.

60 Seconds with a voting member . . .
What is your name?
David Pettman
Who do you work for?
Tuckers Hill Quarry (Vic) Pty Ltd
How many years have you been involved in the Industry?
Since 1994 so 24 years
What are your hopes for the industry?
To ensure the life of all quarries can be extended into the future by continually thinking outside the square. I would like to see the quarrying industry working with VicRoads in developing lower graded products that can be substituted for some class A materials that are not always needed. I think this would allow the better development of quarries as well as saving the tax payer’s money.
What is your role at the company?
Quarry Manager
What is on the radar for 2018/19?
Continue to be proactively working with Vic Roads, Millers and other future projects in Western Victoria.
Managing Director Jay Miller
We saw the acquisition of THQ as a perfect bolt onto our civil construction business. Half of our civil contracts are road projects with VicRoads being our major client in that space. Through acquiring THQ, we have assured ourselves of supply when we need.
As the industry is facing an unpresented surge in major infrastructure projects and a shortage of accessible resources, we saw it as critical to sure up our position with stone supply.
We recognised THQ as a fantastic rock source and saw it as totally underutilised. We are receiving fantastic feedback from our growing number of customers which is making the quarry very rewarding. I see our class 1 as a major strong point and the ability to make any product we wish from what is an exceptional source rock.
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