VicRoads Pursuing Alternative Delivery Methods for Projects
BRUCE MCCLURE, General Manager CMPA comments on the approach VicRoads is currently pursuing with respect to the delivery models for projects.
BRUCE McClure General Manager CMPA recently attended a meeting with the Victorian Civil Construction Industry Alliance where Bruce Gidley Chief Operating Officer with VicRoads made a presentation on the approach VicRoads is currently pursuing with respect to the delivery models for future construction projects.
A number of CMPA members have experienced problems on some projects where issues have arisen over the supply of materials particularly on projects where the work has taken place during the winter months. There has also been a number of occasions when payments to suppliers of quarry products has been very slow and this has increased the financial pressure on a number of our members.
There are some real positive improvements with what is being suggested by VicRoads and this will help to remove a number of CMPA members concerns with regards to the supply of products to contractors on VicRoads projects.
The CMPA will seek to play a part in future discussions on the delivery methods as it is important that all stakeholders involved have the opportunity to have their concerns, their issues heard and discussed.

The reforms and initiatives being pursued by VicRoads include:
- Restructuring to provide for major projects to be delivered through a Metro Director and a Regional Director.
- Increasing collaboration, recognising that each party brings to the table special skills and expertise.
- Building a culture of honesty and trust between the parties.
- Encouraging sustainable innovation.
- Ensuring there is clarity of scope and project objectives.
- Sharing the documented risk assessments between the parties.
- Eliminating waste and duplication and achieving standardisation where appropriate.
- Pursuing early contractor involvement in project development.
- Reducing the incidence/cost of disputes.
- Utilising common sense whilst maintaining the necessary (not overthe-top) probity.
- Co-locating VicRoads/contractor project teams to enhance mutual understanding.
- Establishing better rules of engagement that focus on solutions.
- Examining the desirability of establishing independent tender evaluation panels so that tenders are evaluated on the basis of merit not perception.
- Reviewing the cost effectiveness of design and construct contracts.
- Streamlining tendering processes.
- Ensuring the right delivery model for each project.
- Evaluating tenders on the basis of best overall value, not just lowest price.
- Undertaking post-construction reviews to determine whether the best overall value objective has been achieved.
- Increasing the focus on quality assurance, especially around product testing.
The CMPA will keep members informed on this subject as it develops over the next twelve months.
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