VLPA Update
TREVOR TOVEY provides an update on the Victorian Limestone Producers Association.
THE Victorian Limestone Producers Association held its 2013 AGM and conference at the Gateway Hotel in Geelong on 22nd October 2013. The event was well attended with several new members and sponsors in attendance.
Chairman for the past two years Kevin Matthews of Lakeside Lime Warrnambool, completed the allotted term and Graeme O’Connor of Calcimo Lime and Fertilisers Sale, was elected the new Chairman for the ensuing two years.
Other committee members include Graeme Heywood of Glencoe Lime (Secretary), Trevor Tovey (Treasurer & the new Business Manager), Noel Letcher of Sibelco (Technical Member), Gary Bascomb of IC&L, Lindsay Parker of Sibelco, TomMcCann of Geelong Lime and Mark Malone of Batesford Quarry.
Peter McCluskey, who has been Business Manager for the past seven years has resigned to pursue opportunities in town planning and finally get his golf technique under control.
A highlight of the conference was a demonstration of Precision Agriculture’s Veris soil pH detector. Andrew Whitlock of Precision Agriculture provided the following summary of the system.
“Rapid soil pH mapping is now a reality with the Veris Soil pH-Detector which is operated by PrecisionAgriculture.com.au
The unit enables 1ha grid pH mapping (<1min per sample) which is used to create soil pH zones across paddocks. Most paddocks require 2 or 3 different lime rates per paddock in order to achieve the greatest return on investment from liming.
We also collect calibration soil tests from each pH zone (pHcacl, EC & CEC) to determine a recommended lime rate, which is a critical step in the process as the rapid mapping does not measure exchangeable aluminium.
This variable rate lime process tends to deliver lime savings between 30-60% giving farmers confidence to regularly invest in lime.
Over the past three years PrecisionAgriculture.com.au has mapped over 25,000ha for farmers in VIC, SA and Southern NSW.”

Andrew Speirs of MS&A Consulting led a discussion on “getting the best out of your lime” based on his experiences of consulting to farmers on soil health.
Reports and presentations from DEPI on climate outlook and revision of fertilizer regulations which is likely to commence in late 2014.
A presentation from Minerals Regulation branch of DSDBI covered information re: a review of royalty rates and establishment of working groups to implement recommendations of the recent parliamentary committee aimed at streamlining the cost of establishing and maintaining earth resources projects.
The support of sponsors for the event, Batesford Quarry, Complete Equipment Solutions, Galesafe Weighing and Precision Screen was greatly appreciated.
VLPA is represented on the government/industry working party looking at making work plans and variations simpler, more risk and outcome based rather than prescriptive.
Revised Work Plan guidelines are being developed along these lines and it is hoped this work will lead to facilitating the approval process including such
matters as consistent assessment amongst referral agencies of native vegetation.
Further information: Trevor Tovey 0488 222 463 or email: vlpattovey@bigpond.com
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