VLPA Update (Issue 34)

By on August 4, 2007

Rain Provides Healthy Outlook

Continued rain in Victoria, especially during July, is providing a healthy outlook for cropping and pastoral areas and thus a greater requirement for use of agricultural lime than we have seen in recent seasons

Protocol for Environmental Management (PEM)

VLPA has made a submission to EPA proposing a reasonable, cost effective and rigorous method of dust monitoring where necessary in our industry, in terms of EPA’s development of a Protocol for Environmental Management (PEM). The PEM development will be continuing over the next few months.

Native Vegetation Framework

Along with other industry associations in the sector, we had called for a review of the Dept. of Sustainability & Environment’s (DSE) application of the above policy.

DSE has decided to agree and has invited VLPA, along with other associations in the sector, to be on a review working party for the above mentioned Framework. This is a good opportunity for us to have some input to an important matter, which has been causing some angst in the industry due to some apparent inconsistent interpretation.

This will be an increasingly important issue in the future especially with carbon credit scenarios building. Any members wishing to have particular matters brought up during the review starting in August should contact Peter McCluskey on 0408 496 588.

National Mine Safety Framework (NMSF)

The NMSF is a series of broad strategies aimed at providing greater consistency in mining and quarrying safety and health regulations across Australia.

Explanatory seminars were held in June and draft strategies are now being prepared. We should be able to provide a summary for the next edition.

Three priority strategies for implementation are:

  • A nationally consistent legislative framework;
  • A consultation protocol – aimed at ensuring effective consultation between stakeholders at the workplace; and
  • A national data set – aimed at ensuring consistency in data collection and analysis

In terms of the affect on Victorian companies, indications are that significant changes in regulations are unlikely.

For further information visit www.industry.au/minesafety

AGM & Conference

This event is likely to be in October and further details will be distributed as the event approaches. Regional Development Victoria and several suppliers provided tangible support to last year’s event and several sponsors are likely again this year.

Further information on the VLPA is available on the VLPA website www.vlpa.asn.au

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