VLPA Update (Issue 37)
Native Vegetation Framework Review
The VLPA is represented on the working party at DSE for this review. Due to staff changes, the next draft is being prepared by a consultant to DSE. Of particular concern is the need for provisions in the Planning & Environment Act to allow native vegetation offset arrangements approved with work authorities to maintain their currency.
Control of Chemicals of Security Concern
The Commonwealth/State working group preparing recommendations on the above project recently held seminars around the State to report on its progress.
VLPA attended a recent seminar and in summary it is unlikely control of use of chemicals used in our industry will change. Due to the vigilance of some major chemical suppliers in relation to suspicious orders for chemicals since the project began, authorities have intercepted some potential purchasers.
Growth Areas Authority (GAA) – Protection of Resources
The GAA was launched in 2005 to ensure strategic release of land and development of timely infrastructure in growth areas on the margins of Melbourne’s metropolitan area.
Bodies representing the earth resources industries are keen to see that the future of industry operations in and around these areas is not jeopardised to ensure that product can be put into the market without an excessive transport cost component, there are adequate resources available to supply into growth area needs and that resources are not sterilised due to encroaching urban development.
A GAA representative addressed the DPI Stakeholders forum recently and following that, a meeting with senior GAA staff is planned to emphasise industry concerns at which VLPA will be represented.
ACCC Inquiry into Grocery and Fertiliser Prices
The ACCC is preparing a draft report expected around mid-year into the above including the cost structure of the supply chain for such products. Input to the next phase might be possible at that point.
Lime’s attractive price structure and productivity compared to other farm products is likely to highlight its value to agriculture and the consumer products further up the supply chain.
Further information on the Victorian Limestone Producers Association is available on the VLPA website www.vlpa.asn.au
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