VLPA Update (Issue 48)
PETER MCCLUSKEY from the Victorian Lime Producers Association reports on the latest happenings of the VLPA.
THE VLPA held its AGM and annual conference at the Warrnambool Bowls Club in late November with an associated fi eld trip to inspect limestone resources near Warrnambool.
Mr Bruce Couch of Lone Pine Lime was elected the new VLPA Chairman replacing Mr Tom McCann of Geelong Lime who was required to stand down aft er two years in accordance with the constitution.
Mr Couch, a former Mayor of Moyne Shire has been operating Lone Pine Lime at Curdie Vale for the past 13 years.
Other committee members are Mr Trevor Tovey – Treasurer, Mr Murray Joseph – Secretary, Mr Noel Letcher – Technical Member and Mr Gary Bascomb – Executive Committee Member with Mr Peter McCluskey continuing as Business Manager.

Mr Couch said, “I look forward to leading an industry organisation whose membership prides itself in producing products of quality and integrity. The changes in regulatory regimes, particularly mooted changes to the MR(SD)Act, Planning & Environment Act and fertiliser regulations are matters that the VLPA will be anxious to continue to be involved in. It is important”, he said, “that the industry utilizes the standard testing facilities and procedures that the VLPA has endorsed so that consistent test results can be achieved and farmers have confidence in the industry’s products.”
Further information is available fr om Peter McCluskey on 0408 496 588
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