VLPA Update (Issue 57)
PETER MCCLUSKY provides an update on the Victoria Limestone Producers Association.
VLPA recently worked with Westernport Catchment Landcare Network on two very successful field days covering the subjects of soil pH and soil carbon.
The first field day was held at French Island and the second at Poowong North. The days were organized by Peter Ronalds, Sustainable Agriculture Project Officer from the Westernport Catchment Landcare Network (WCLN). This body has funding from the Commonwealth Government’s Caring for Our Country program, similar to WestVic Dairy in Terang, to promote soil health amongst the farming community in its region.
The French Island field day attracted 35 participants and 65 att ended the Poowong North day. Tim Johnston from DPI Geelong spoke on the need to monitor and protect against the dangers of acidic soils and the need to apply lime at suitable levels to ensure the best possible pasture growth. Soil cores were taken at the sites to illustrate the different colours and composition of soils at various depths.
A number of lime samples were displayed and the role of VLPA in relation to product testing was explained and VLPA membership information was provided.
Peter Ronalds of WCLN presented on the results of 40 farms that have been pH and carbon benchmarked (generally soils need to have a ph of 5 or above) in the region over recent months and also Jess Horton from DPI spoke on soil carbon.
VLPA will continue to pursue opportunities to work with agricultural and soil health extension bodies to promote our product. During 2010 and 2011 so far, we have co-operated with Southern Farming Systems, Glenelg-Hopkins CMA, Perennial Pasture Systems, North East Catchment Management Authority, WestVic Dairy and Westernport Catchment Landcare Network in delivering programs which have involved promoting the use of agricultural lime.
Two Federal parliamentary enquiries, to which we made submissions together with NAA, have recently handed down reports on their findings. The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Australia, was inquiring into the impact of the Guide to the Murray –Darling Basin Plan. In essence its 21 recommendations are around more scientific work needed along with more rigorous assessment of impact on communities. The Senate Committee looked at the more specific problem of the Water Act and recommended it be amended to optimize economic, social and environmental considerations. This is in line with our position and would ensure that use of water for economic purposes (agriculture) is not automatically subservient to environmental allocations. There will be a fair bit of “water under the bridge” before the outcomes take effect.
There is an upcoming Victorian Parliamentary enquiry into the benefits and drivers of and barriers to greenfields mineral exploration and project development in Victoria which we will be participating in. The review of the Act and regulations relating to minerals and extractive industries in Victoria is continuing.
For further information contact Peter McCluskey 0408 496 588
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