VLPA Update (Issue 59)
PETER MCCLUSKY provides an update on the Victorian Limestone Producers Association.
The VLPA’s AGM and conference was held at the City Memorial Bowls Club Warrnambool Bowling Club on Friday 18thNovember 2011. A number of important issues on the agenda were the increasing interest from government through the Commonwealth’s “Caring for our Country” program filtering through to Catchment Management Authorities and with ultimate benefits available to the lime industry.
Other important topics include the fuel rebate system and how we might be affected under carbon tax legislation, future scenarios for water availability in the important markets for lime in the Murray-Darling Basin, government recommendations for heavy metal testing relating to variations in geology and end use.
More detailed information will be provided in the Dec / Jan issue of Sand & Stone.

A further field day was held in the Bass Coast area in late November where VLPA worked with Bass Coast Landcare and DPI to publicise the importance of using lime to combat acidic soils and raise pH in the region.
This followed on from two very successful field days at French Island and Poowong North covering the subjects of soil pH and soil carbon in which VLPA recently worked with Westernport Catchment Landcare Network.
For further information contact Peter McCluskey 0408 496 588
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