WA Proposals & Variations (Issue 31)
The time it takes to receive approval for your WA proposal or variation
The CMPA would like to introduce the WA Proposals & Variations data as a new feature to the CMPA News. This data is taken from the DPI website. Each issue the CMPA will update the data in the following graphs to depict the status of Work Authority Proposal and Variation applications in Victoria.
The Status of Current Applications graph to the right gives the proportion of application in each stage of the process; with referral, with proponent, with MPR or endorsed.
The Timeframe for New WA & Variation Approval graph below provides a representation of all current applications and the period of time since the application was first put forward. Note that all applications in these graphs are yet to be approved. In the graph below Greenfield refers to a new application and Variation refers to an a variation to an existing Work Authority.

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