Work Safely Refresher Workshops
GAVIN MOREIRA, Member Services Manager for CMPA provides an update on the Work Safely Refresher Workshops.

The CMPA has so far held two Work Safely Refresher workshops, on 31st October 2024 at the All Seasons Hotel, Bendigo (proudly sponsored by Impact Drill & Blast) and the second on 21st November 2024 at the Cardinia Club, Pakenham. A total of 55 attendees to date.
The purpose of these workshops is to provide participants with a refresher in safety training based on the Surface Extraction Operations (quarries) unit RIIWHS201E – Work Safely and follow WHS Policies and Procedures.
The first presentation for the morning was by David McKelvie of SafeMix on Work Safely with the objectives being:
• To provide an overview of the Work Safely Reference Manual.
• To increase awareness of our legal obligations.
• To refresh and share our understanding of the hazards and risks associated with our operations and the controls required to either eliminate or reduce those risks.
Key topics included; sources of energy, hierarchy of controls, guarding, lockout of plants, geotechnical hazards, edge protection, loading from stockpiles and traffic management.
After lunch, David McKelvie of SafeMix presented us with an overview on Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust (RCSD). Including dust legislation, all about dust, dust monitoring and exposure standards, health effects and surveillance as well as how to control dust.

The purpose of the RCSD Guideline is to:
• Provide members with appropriate management practices required to minimise potential health risks associated with RCSD arising from extractive industry and concrete recycling operations;
• Provide members with a template they can populate so as to establish a site specific RCSD Hazard Control Plan; and
• Assist members in establishing and maintaining a Work Plan that defines operational activity so as to obtain and sustain an Extractive Industry Work Authority.
The training provided a basic understanding of how to control RCSD in the workplace, so as to either eliminate or reduce the risk associated with exposure as far as is reasonably practicable.

Next up was a practical presentation from a new Associate Member Crystal Polson of Fit Test Victoria on Respirator Fit Testing.
A detailed article is found on page 37-38.
WorkSafe Victoria provided updates at both workshops with presentations from Michael (Harry) Terry in Bendigo and in Pakenham was Chris Owens and Clinton Dann.
Key items discussed included Incident Reporting which included a summary of the latest quarry data statistics and incidents (see page 26-27). Interactive discussions were had with attendees about what members would like to see and the frequency of reporting.
The Strategic Quarry focus in 2025 for WorkSafe Victoria includes:
• Rehabilitation
• Traffic Management
• Mobile Plant
• Plant Guarding
• Lock Out-Tag out / De-energise/pressurise
• Geotechnical hazards
• Occupational Health Hygiene – Silica, Health Monitoring and Bagging plants
• Welding fumes
• Verification of Competency

A final presentation was done by David McKelvie from SafeMix on two new initiatives for Members.
The development of an online Guarding training which includes an assessment (see page 31-32) and a Verification of Competency (VOC) Guideline and assessment sheets for various mobile equipment and road trucks.
Why are we doing this?
There is considerable ambiguity amongst Members as to what is required to deem a mobile equipment operator competent:
• It is generally considered that operators must hold a Verification of Competency (VOC) issued by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
• VOCs conducted by RTOs are not specific to the quarry environment, taking into account risks such as working under faces, working on elevated stockpiles, working close to edges, loading both road and haul trucks and so forth
The key objectives are to provide guidance and support to Members through the provision of:
• A formal and documented mentoring process for mobile equipment operators who cannot otherwise provide evidence of their experience and competence in operating the particular item of mobile equipment
• A VOC assessment process for mobile equipment operators and road truck drivers directed by a Subject Matter Expert (SME)
It is intended that these processes shall support Members in ensuring the competency of operators and drivers, enabling them to perform their work in a way that is safe and without risks to their fellow workers or the community.
“Refreshed my understanding of quarry safety and can inform new employees of our thinking.”
“All good information and great learning experiences from all the group. Interesting to hear what other quarries have done.”
“Thank you for helping myself have a better understanding of safety and other CMPA guidelines.”
Thanks again also to all the presenters, owners / employees who attended the training (Certificate of Attendance has been emailed out) and to our sponsor Impact Drill & Blast.

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