Worksafe Victoria ERTS update
GAVIN MOREIRA, Members Services Manager for the CMPA provides a brief report on the latest incidents as reported to WorkSafe Victoria.
The latest Earth Resources Tripartite Safety Forum was held via MS Teams back on 3rd June 2021. The following information relating to incidents in quarries was presented.
Visits to quarries 1 July 2020 to 30 April 2021:
There were 214 visits of those 70 (32%) were specifically for dust. There were 102 notices issued of which 11 were for dust.
The notices were made up of:
83 Improvement Notices, 16 Voluntary Compliance notices, 2 Dangerous Goods Improvement Notices and 1 Non Disturbance Notice.
Quarries – incident and injury trends have gone up in the last 3 months. Incidents relating to quarry plant (in particular quarry and road trucks), fires (fixed plant) and slips, trips and falls make up the large majority of incidents. Injury data shows 58% near misses, could relate to under reporting.
Breakup of Quarrying Incidents and Injuries for the last 12 months
(including Apr 2021) can be seen below:

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