Mead Partners Business Improvement Program
Do you need an accountant, or do you need an accountant that is a business advisor?
What we have come to see over the years is a lot of business owners go and see their accountants, they go through the financials, but it is 6-12 months after the end of the financial year. So, a lot of business owners do not know what their actual real numbers are when they are actually making strategic decisions on which direction to take their businesses. Therefore, they are finding out sometimes that they have significant losses, their margins are not where they should be and they are setting themselves up for failure.
And some accountants just focus on the numbers when their clients ask for improvement advice and support. As a business owner, it is important to consider whether you need an accountant or an accountant who can also act as a business advisor.
At Mead Partners, we do not believe we add value just by doing compliance and just seeing your numbers like your tax returns.
We want to identify the cause and address the problem that your business has. Therefore, we look at your whole business, so you can get back to growing your business.

Tailored business advisory services to take your business to the next level.
Our Business Improvement Program is for any business at any stage of their business life cycle. Any business that is struggling to take those next steps or find that push to get their business to the next level.
The Business Improvement Program includes:
The first step of this program would be the Business Risk Survey. You will just need to answer very quick simple 10 questions online. As soon as you complete that form, you will receive a personalised scorecard within 30 seconds. We can then start the discussion from there because that gives us a
very high-level analysis of where your business is at.
We then send out an industry-specific questionnaire if there are multiple business owners. Each business owner will do it independently and submit their questionnaires back to us. What that allows us to do is to make sure all the owners are aligned with their thought processes, and if they are not aligned, we can then talk about those misalignments between them and bring them together to help them drive the business forward. And that will give us enough information to do a detailed SWOT analysis.
Part of the program is built around that SWOT analysis.
We will have a face-to-face Workshop with you, your staff and other key stakeholders to examine your business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). That will help us get a clearer picture of a structured process which is easy to implement within your business which can then help you achieve those goals you want to achieve.
We will examine:
• How well your business is performing from a strength’s perspective.
• Are there any other opportunities that we could be capitalising on?
• Is there something that your business is not doing but could be doing or something that your competitors are doing that you are not?
• Where do you need improvement?
• We put together a SWOT analysis and come up with a business improvement plan.
That business plan has a list of actionable items. Within those actual items, we assign who is responsible for carrying out those tasks and set due dates. Those items are broken down into quarters, and each quarter we will follow up and reconvene to see how progress is tracking on all those items.
It really pulls out those ideas that you have had in your head and puts them on paper to help you focus on what exact task you need to be doing right now. Not thinking about the hundreds of things or hundreds of items that you need to do, but just the one to three tasks that you need to worry about for the next few months. The plan that you receive is very clear it highlights all the information that you need to go away with, but then we do not just leave it at that.
The program places a strong emphasis on accountability and achieving your goals. We have quarterly catch-up sessions through our sounding board process, which we implement after the workshop, and we also have a very open communication line throughout the period. This is part of the services we offer to all our clients. We offer them unlimited phone calls and unlimited emails where they can talk to us and keep that communication process open at any time.
We offer tailored support so you can successfully implement your Business Improvement Plan. A popular strategy is to improve your internal financial reporting. Our Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Program provides ongoing support and regular interaction to help you achieve this.
If you have been struggling to make changes in your business, this program will help you. This program is about pulling all those little niggly problems that you know that you have and prioritising them to improve your business.
Get in contact with us immediately and we will send out a Business Rick Survey to see where you sit.
Mead Partners Business Advisors &
Chartered Accountants
Address: Level 1 Suite 103/181 St Kilda Rd, St Kilda VIC 3182
Phone: (03) 9523 2277

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